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End of the Day


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The color in this is amazing. It reminds me of what it looked like when my friends and I went to eat out on the water. Just beautiful. I wish I could give tips...but you dont need any!
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Eye catching, classy & dazzling.


This is the business Tyler. Amazing to read on your main page that you still havent got any filters. Wow.


All the best mate



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fantastic work of art Tyler. you nailed this shot. corner to corner a masterpiece my friend, and i'm not just slapping you on the back here, its that good. congratulations. regards, J.K.
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Thanks for all the compliments and comments. I was kind of unsure about this shot to start with but it has really grown into one of my favorites as I look at it more and more. JK--I really appreciate your comment...it really does mean a lot to me! Thanks!
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One small nitpick is that the boat light on the right is overly bright. I realize you have no control over that and it is more eveidence that this is a real world shot, but if it ewere toned down a little bit it would make the picture even better than it already is. Well done.
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Very good point, Shawn, I did notice that. That is a problem I've been running into with night shots--it's hard to expose for everything when you have pitch blackness one spot and then a halogen street lamp in another spot. Perhaps that is something I could at least tone down if not correct in photoshop. It's far enough in the distance I would assume I could "dodge" that spot in photoshop to at least improve the appearance so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. Thanks for stopping by to comment and leaving more thoughts--I appreciate it buddy!
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