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Winter's Fury!


RAW processing, B&W conversion, toning, dodge/burn only.

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IS that the peak you climbed? Sounds more than class 5 from this angle..and especially these conditions!!
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No, this was just a pinnacle along the way, about 200 feet high. Even in the summer the rock is very pourous and crumbly so 5th class rock isn't very enjoyable in the Cascade range.
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This is nuts! Just awesome. Must look fantastic printed large. How do you keep the stuff off your lens while shooting in these conditions?
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Thanks! Coming soon to NPN. Kah Kit, it was so extremely cold when I took this that the snow was too dry to stick to my lenses or melt in my camera case, which as you might imagine, was covered in power after a second or two. I just shook it off and kept going. Yeah, the details really come through in a large print. Lots of little snow crystals you don't see here.
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a beautifully dynamic, yet fun and wild shot all in one. the lines in the snow are great, leading right up the daunting pinnacle. from there the explosion of blowing snow seems to take the eye to all corners of the image. of all your photos, this perhaps displays your untamed search for stunning images the best.
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Description added for critique forum:


What's going on here? Well, I captured this image as I was being mauled by extreme winds at my back, overlooking one of Iron Mountain's famous 'spikes' in the central Oregon Cascade range. This pinnacle is the remnants of a core lava channel at the heart of an ancient volcano. It stands over 200 feet high, overhanging vertical (looks like it should fall over at any moment). For me, this rugged landscape seemed the perfect compliment to the ferocious conditions I endured to make the image. My camera was set to 1/250 sec. at F14 with no filters attached. Of the dozens of images I captured within a few moments, this one best represented the violence of the conditions.

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Very well done, perfect timing, impressive perspective. Nice testament to the Canon's ability to function under the conditions. Have you tried it with a neutral tone?
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Awesome! This tells the story. One thing I wanted to ask you since long time: How does the 5D work under such conditions? What are your special measures to make it work? In the manual they say it works up to 0 degree Celsius!!! How many batteries do you need for such a trip? Is there a way to charge the batteries with a reasonable solar charger in areas where there is no electricity? Best regards and thanks. Karl
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In all this crazy weather and wild place, I'm wondering one thing: ...where are you?

The weather is like out of this planet. You are a true daring passionate photographer. Thank you for sharing your amazing work! My best regards!

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Wow this is just incredible. what a fantastic sense of movement, fury, cold. absolutely breathtaking. you get to some interesting places Marc.





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Incredible. What really adds the "violence" of the picture is knowing that it was taken at 1/250 second and there's still motion in the snow flakes. What dedication!
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Wow! Powerful shot! Makes me want to light a fire and sip hot cocoa indoors! Cheers! Iren
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