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"Hi, My Name Is Spur"

susan stone

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"Spur" and "Smokey Joe" are my two best buddies, they're both good

working cowdogs, but "Spur" being the energetic youngster that he

is, thinks cows should go everywhere at a dead run....not always the

best way to handle cows. Thanks for the visit friends.

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I like this one very much Susan. Unusual composition with one dog sharply in focus looking quizzically at the camera, and the other out of focus looking out to the side. Very appealing composition. Good colours too. Kind regards, Neil
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Oh yeah...Spur and Lilly probably would run off and maybe return...you did say go everywhere at a full run....excellent composition...full of personality...Juan
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Whenever I go out to take photos these two always go along and they're constantly in the way, as soon as I point my camera toward something they have to run over and investigate.
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Greetings fellow dog lover Juan. Who could resist that twinkle in his eye, he loves everybody but he sure can test my patience, if it has fur, feather or hide he thinks it needs to be herded.
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It appears that Spur is now wearing a bright red collar. I can understand the color but why is there a need to collar him?

A great photo of Spur! As long as he is going to stick his nose into the camera he may as well be the subject matter.

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When I licensed Spur I bought him a collar to put the tags on but he's already lost the collar. If you stare at this photo long enough I think he winks.....
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This is such a great capture. Dogs sure do have personality - it's the mark of a good photographer to "catch" it! Well done!
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I'm so impressed you got three ears up all at once!! I have to agree to get one dog in a picture looking at you and smiling like that and then have the other in the same frame is just incredible. You have them both with ears up looking so casual and normal like you are about ready to go play ball with them. Then you have the one with the freckles all crisp and clear and the other is just a bit in the background which makes the front one look like he pops. It has a great affect and makes you feel like the one with the freckles is about ready to lick my face. I LOVE this!! Well done!
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Hi Micki, 3 ears up is all we'll get, since birth Smokey Joe had one ear up and the other ear down.....and they'd both lick your face, they love people.


You got that right Linda, "character" is his middle name.


Just for you Lou Ann I posted a recent shot of Smokey Joe tonight.


Thanks Ulrika for taking the time to view and comment on this pair of pooches.


It was one of those spontaneous shots Mark that sometimes works.


Gracias Julio, the dogs say "woof woof" to you with a Spanish accent!


Hello Graeme, it's hard to catch these two holding still so it was a matter of "lucky" timing.

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Great capture, Susan...just enough depth to keep the front dog separate from the rear. You ended up with an awesome composition, too. Good on 'ya as the Ozzies say....
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Do you and the Rog have a dog? These two both have a little Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog) blood in them, they might be related to Roger.....
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I showed this photo to my two hounds as they lounged on our king-sized bed. It was close to 55 outside and they thought it was better inside. Seeing this pic, both of them smiled and tucked their noses under the covers. 7/7 all the way.
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beautiful working dogs... and love that you caught them both...
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Susan, an excellent shot, more than just a pet here, a very smart character, and often they know it as well, subtly manipulating their owner so they can get their way. This takes advance planning, meaning there's some serious grey matter at work between those ears. I almost adopted one last week, 4 months old and wearing a bandana.
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Greetings "Sweet William", 55 and they didn't want to go out.....why just this morning Smokey Joe, Spur, and I went for our daily walk and it was -2, ah that's 2 degrees below zero! But the sun was shining and it was beautiful.


Hi Deb, they're certainly a pair to draw too. Smokey's a good worker, Spur's a willing worker.....too willing at times.


Hello John, I've missed you and a visit your way is long overdue. Yes they're smart and they know it, they've got me well trained. Happy New Year.

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