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The Four Minute Visit

mary fran

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Good detail, focus and DOF on this one; cropping a bit off on the right would get the bird off center and IMHO improve the image. Like the color contrast as well. I assume that you use a tripod in these shots and am wondering why you prefer the 30D over the 5D; the latter should give you much more "cropping" power? Regards, Dieter
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Where do you get these beautiful birds! Stunning image of red on gray. Focus, background all terrific. And a nicely centered crop...welcome to my world Have you got that new lens out of the box yet? 6/6
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Thank you all.


Deiter, I use the 30 D as I would loose the extra magnification I get with the lens. This guy was about 15-20 feet from me, and only stayed a few minutes. No tripod on this, but I did rest the lens on a solid surface. As far as the crop, I've resigned myself to the fact that I am "crop challenged", or have a severe case of "center-it-itis". I hear they both pull you down but aren't fatal...:o)


William, no new lens, but I did get a very nice new tripod and remote shutter release which I have yet to use... Tried the tripod, but I feel so restricted and end up missing shots. I do have use for it though. This was the result of perfect light. I rarely see these guys, so I was pretty excited to get off a few shots before he left.

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...a good tripod head. I recommend the Wimberley Side Kick II. It is gimbaled and balanced with your camera and lens (you can slide the lens forward or backward in the head to achieve balance). Then it is like just moving it with your hands. No constant adjustments and worrying about the lens crashing downwards. I've tracked flying birds with mine with ease.
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I think, this is perfect bird photo. The fact that is very difficult with a cardinal is only a bonus. Very sharp and detailed. Even, hard to manage bright red color looks perfect. Interesting to see on the branch that the bird is located at perfect dof position. I need to look for definition of "crop factor" again. I was sure that there is no magnification with smaller sensor. Same actual size, just cropped tighter. The other difference to consider is the speed. 5 vs. 3 fps.
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Thanks Samir,I personally think this is probably my best bird shot from a technical execution standpoint and the credit goes to the light and angle.

I would like to go back and darken that back branch on the right, though.

It was so sharp I did not do much editing other than crop and did not want to touch the color. I've discovered significant variations in color appearance depending on how the light is catching the feathers on all of these small birds and enjoy the variety of effects it creates.

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