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Trying to Solve the Eternal Mystery of the One Missing Sock


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haha, this is great, I especially love the bathrobe in the foreground. You should do a series of shots like this with all major household appliances.
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We all know that missing socks get sucked into a multi-dimensional time vortex and all come out on the far side of the galaxy. The real mystery is why is it always the LEFT socks that go missing? HAHAH.. a great shot and a great documentary that touches everyone that has ever worn and washed a pair of socks.
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I tried explaining that to her but she is a persistent rationalist. I felt a twinge of satisfaction when she found nothing. To me, though the greater mystery is distinguishing between the left sock and the right one. I said the left one was missing; she insisted it was the right one. But I fear we will never really know.
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Funny shot, Mark! My mother-in-law was staying at our house one time and lost some article of clothing. She looked everywhere, including the dryer, but couldn't find it. Finally, one day she talked to her late husband and asked him to guide her to where it was. Turns out it WAS in the dryer! Maybe it's ghosts who take our socks and clothing, never to be found again.
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Mark when you decide to do your series be sure to turn OFF THE GAS before shooting the scene in the oven, and you may also want to include one with head in toilet?

Shane I've been thinking about asking a friend of mine to embroidery the letters L and R onto a pair of my socks. Then I'd make sure that L was on the right foot and R was on the left foot just to see if I got any reactions.

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Hilarious and so truthful image. I guess that this is reality in every part of the world. I just bought three pairs of socks and there are only one full pair of that lot and two left-foot socks. Incredible and annoying. But when hearing that this happens in the other side of the world also, it gives me a sense of brotherhood. ;-) I just wonder, is this mainly a "man-thing" or does it strike to ladies, too?

I like this one a lot. Well seen and thought.



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My extensive research into this area is troubling. It tells me that the missing-sock syndrome affects primarily men's socks. What is confusing, though, is that I believe it does not matter if it is the men or the women who are doing the laundry. Men's socks disappear; women's do not.

Thank you for your kind comments.

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So funny!

I hope you tells us whats happens to the sock when you have solve the mystery!

I have the same problem!




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The sock is never found. There are only two solutions: (1) start wearing mismatched socks, or (2) stop wearing socks. I've opted for the latter, but now I get a lot more colds.
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Mark there is one other option: 3) Purchase 12 pairs of the exact same style and color of socks. Then you'll never have to pair them up before they go into the drawer and when one sock disappears you will NOT be "missing a sock" but you will "have an extra sock" instead! 8~)#
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I thought of that. Unfortunately, if I were to adopt that logic I'm afraid the pull of the logic itself would take over everything and allow me only to buy one shirt style and color, one pant style and color, and so forth. All of which, in fact, may not be a bad idea, especially since I'm too old to join the army.
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...I've been giggling here for at least 10 mins. Sad to say, ladies socks get stuck in the same time-space-vortex-do-thingamy thing as you gentlemen's socks seem to. And the idea about buying everything the same colour? Nice try but the diodes cannae hold her, Cap'n. I tried that with popsocks and can reliably report that from one manufacturer there are at least 13 different shades of "tan" ...and I have one of each in either left or right. Don't ask me which is which.


BTW, Mrks & Spencer (M&S) a clothing chain here in UK have turned this phenonenon into a marketing opportunity. They sell socks in set of 7 pairs, with "sunday", "monday", etc written one per pair, along the foot. I can't tell you how it goes against the grain to pull on a "Sunday" sock on any other day, but sometimes needs must. Lefts (and rights) *will* go walking....

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This is a timeless image...I can't believe it was shot only a year ago...looks 60s to me...that vacume cleaner..is it a Hoover? and those slippers...surly they are not Eddie Bauer!


Today I was testing some Ilford 3200 B&W film (shot at 400 iso) in D76 developer...since it was only 10 degrees outside I thought I would test shoot indoors. I think I found the missing sock...I love your portfolio and will be back for more...! Juan

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Mariellen Here's my latest thinking. Buy 1000 white socks and dye them black all at once. Of course, my real solution is that I practically never wear socks at all anymore. It was easier to get away with that in California than it is in Seattle, but I'm stubborn. And I do know what you mean about Marks and Spencer. I've been to Britain three times with two different wives; each wife dragged me to M&S and we bought - big surprise - underwear.

Juan It's not a Hoover, and the slippers are from who knows where, but they, like all else in the shot, are timeless, as you so correctly point out. It's funny where we find constancy.

Thanks to both of you for stopping by and for your kind comments.

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