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Staggerwingh Prop Gleaming In The Sun...


Ilford PanF+ @50ASA, Perceptol stock. 8x10 print on AGFA RC glossy, Dektol 1+3, straight print.

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This gorgeous plane was just dripping with sunshine, the light

playing on its chrome and two tone red surface was gorgeous.

Unfortunately, here it is... scanned. As usual, I wanted to share,

but I assure you its a far cry from the actual print where there

actually ARE shadow details and the prop blades are a myriad of

subtle tones... Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it - its a pretty

aeroplane if nothing else!

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Nice use of B&W to give it a period feel, and you just managed to get the whole prop in!

I'm not feeling the sunshine, though. But nice image to look at.

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Thanks Alex. I know what you mean about the sunshine - I don't know if you would agree if you saw it, but I think the actual print conveys it a lot better than the scan does. All that silver just gleams in the highlights - here... not so much :)

Well, I am off to admire that MkVIII of yours!

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Very nice compositional study, Peter. I like the way the FILM gracefully handles those highlights on the prop. Good tonal range and with all that vegetation texture, I'm sure the real print is a beaut.
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Thanks, August - as always its a pleasure to hear from you, and a compliment from you always carries a lot of weight with me. Glad you enjoyed it.
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I?m a big fan of your work, im a particular pilot, and im crazy about planes, tanks to this beatifull images
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yes, this is a great work! i love this picture and i am happy to see that u know, what u are doing - and this in the right way :) thank u 4 your constructive critique on my "misdeal" prop picture! it was a snapshot and i like it, cause of its chaos and colours :) honestly, the first time i read your comment i was a bit hurt of your words, but now i know that you want to help me. i hope your help works :) nice regards, kerstin
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Thank you all for taking the time to look - your kind words are truly flattering and much appreciated!
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