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© Copyright Matthew Laur, 2006

Gus, an English Pointer, shows the way to a covey of quail.

Matt Laur

Nikon D200, 18-200VR. Cropped. Some odd light under a tree canopy on a grey day - needed a higher ISO for most shots, but had it higher than I should have on this one since he was holding still.


© Copyright Matthew Laur, 2006

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Some tricky metering on this grey day under a treeline's canopy. Had

the ISO cranked up because of earlier action shots, but other than a

quivering tail (quail hiding in the cover are pretty exciting to a

bird dog), Gus was holding very steady. Cropped.

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The overly bright white is apparent and probably could be corrected in PS. I'd recommend leaving more room on the left in your crop. Still it is a very good shot. 6/6 anon
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It's hard enough to cash a dog in a frame let along pick the color they are going to be. The dog is white. Leave it like it is :) I like that he is white as it brings out the green in the leaves and the bush in the back. I think he is framed just right. I love his red on his colar. His pointing is perfect. He looks like a show dog!! I think this is a great shot! Well done! Don't change a thing. I love photoshop when it is fun to do but when a shot is perfect like this don't mess with it. WTG!
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Looks just like a dog I once owned Named George , somehow lost his way and would only chase rabbits so I ended up with him ....He was an escape artist as well ,,,,great shot ! ......We once tied him to the picnic table at camp then walked the half mile to beeach to swim ...as we wandered in the water ...A forelorn howling could be heard and a pityful dog who had dragged a picnic table all the way into the water and was pointing towards the beach howling at the top of his lungs .......really dedicated dog ...



Thanks for your recent visit , Ive watched your images since joining and consider you a top notch pro and I truly value any input Ideas you might have .Good or bad ....! thanks again


regards from chilly (83 today ) Florida .....

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