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Night Swirl


The northern desert sky. 4 hour exposure, illuminated tent with two shots of flash at half power. Anza-Borrego desert in California.


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I spent many nights in a tent in the high desert and mountains when I was in college. I shot miles of Ecktachrome, all 35 mm (couldn't afford the Mamia or Hassablad...) now all faded in boxes in the basement. Loved the shot! Technically not too challenging, artistically, been done often, but for me the story of 6 years of my life. Damn fine and thanks for the memories!
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Thks Crina-Paula!


Thks Michelle, I know what you mean about the memories... I've camped out a Anza-Borrego quite a bit. I agree that it's been done many times (I actually saw a similar shot that someone took at Kilimajaro on a photo mag cover) but I've found that execution of it is a bit harder than the plan ... I've messed it up enough to know :) Next I want to find a church and steple out there and use it as a foreground - I keep looking.



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With new auto timers and electronic shutters the techniques are easier than they used to be. The problems now are light pollution and electronic "noise" with prolonged exposures.
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I admire the effort here. Not having done this before it seems to me that the difficult judgement would be to guess about relative exposure of foreground and background. Do you have any pointers to help me with my neophyte learning curve?
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Dave, you hit it right on the head about estimating exposure times. I would say to choose a dark area that will minimize illumination of the foreground subjects, then "think foreground" for the flash exp. The sky will have to take care of itself (see below).


This one was pretty much a guess and I was incredibly happy it came out as well as it did, though I feel the tent lighting is a little too strong. It was at f5.6 for 4 hrs w/ 100 ASA film. Wide open aperature (~ 2.8) usually is not a bad guess, but I choose a little less because of the foreground. The main concern was how much exp. for the tent.. went with two pops of the flash (guide # 105) at 50% power in the tent - I should have gone with one. Should also have had him shoot it at the floor with a white reflector for more spherical distribution.


I would also recommend that you get up earlier than you think. If sunrise is at 5:30 for ex, then don't plan on getting up at 5 to shut it off but 4-4:30. I've blew a few shots with light contamination. It's a lot of work to put in for nothing, so better to get up early :\ Better yet, get one of those electronic timers Michelle mentioned here... I dont have one, but they sounds great unless shooting on an electronic B drains your battery.. (I use a camera with a mechanical B).



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Thanks, Greg. I'll footnote this one so I can remember your advice and numbers. With digital you get quicker feedback on the foreground, but sensor noise may be an issue. Maybe I'll try a few digital exposures and then shoot film for the keepers. Not many modern cameras have that mechanical bulb option. Guess I'll just carry extra batteries.
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