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I previously posted "Waterfront Sunset" which received rave reviews. Several of you astutely pointed out some shortcomings in my composition. I'm sure this alternate version will please everyone (never seen a photo that does), but it does address several of the issues that were raised and I personally think it is substantially improved. With that said I realize what one person lists as a "flaw" other people note as a "strength" so I would love to hear your thoughts!
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A very good shot again Tyler. Great burning colours, and good composition. Happy shooting, and all the best for 2007.


Best regards, Torfinn...

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Very beautiful seascape capture here of very great light and composition



Wishing you all of the best




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So far my ratings are MUCH lower than my previous shot, which ended up very close to 6/6 for it's average. Is it just a different day with different people rating or is there something about the other shot that makes it more pleasing? I really liked the panoramic feel of the other shot but it did violate some "rules" of composition that several of you pointed out to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comparisons!
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Tyler, the tighter crop makes the other work in terms of drawing the viewer into the picture. There are fewer distracting elements, and the overall composition is better. It is true that this shows more and is in some ways more appealing, but eye appeal usually depends on that first glance, and there the tighter crop usually wins.


Both are well-done in any case.



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Lannie--I agree...thanks for your input! I think just glancing at them without close critique I like the other shot but I feel like if we were grading things on "right" or "wrong" like it is photography school this shot is more "correct" in terms of composition (ie-follows more of the "rules") I guess this is just a great example of how sometimes a composition that does NOT follow the rules beats one that does! Now, back to shooting, composing, and editing shots how *I* think they should be done. :)
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Tyler, both are appealing images. I guess my taste ran to the first image, I too, liked the panoramic feel. As I said earlier, I really like this entire series, it is really quite beautiful and well composed, each image. Keep up the great work, and don't worry too much about the ratings, it really does border on absurd most of the time. Focus on the comments that people leave; I find that they are much more meaningful and helpful as you grow with your photography. Cheers! Chris
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I'm with you, Chris! The more I look at them the more I like the first one...I recomposed this one and got all tied up with trying to move the horizon up, add more grass, not cut off the mast reflections, etc. and while I accomplished those tasks and would still say I'm still proud of this image, I'd rather hang the first one on the wall. I get off on tangents sometimes and also am always trying to better my best--that previous shot had an average of almost 6/6, which is definitely one of my best! But, I was still busy trying to please everyone and wanted to make it better when I should have realized that 6/6 is outstanding on this site. Anyway, I've learned a lot and done a lot of analytical thinking about compositions in creating this image and critiquing the 2 versions. I assure you that no comment on either way, good or bad, has been wasted! I think I've even come up with a new idea for a composition because of these conversations (will probably go try it out later today). Thanks to everyone for helping me learn and grow--I appreciate all the help!
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I must admit that I like the waterfront sunset more than this image, however the difference is only minute. Perhaps the amount of dark area on the bottom left takes away a little bit of the viewers attention in this shot and therefore it scores less than the other. Once you dont have the other image to compare, this one rises way above any other images of a sunset that I have seen in a long time.
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Taha--thanks for your words and review. Once again, I agree! When I see a sunset I want to see color and the silhouette of the seawall and fence in the lower left takes away from the sunset. Thanks for helping me put my finger on that little fact that makes a lot of difference! Also, thanks for all your kind words--they are greatly appreciated!
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IMHO you cropped the first one from the wrong side to get this image. If you eradicate that black mass on the lower left by cropping the first picture to the immediate right of it, you will end up with an airy, uncluttered, Turner-esque image of a nice tidal basin. 6/6 anon as is.
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William--Your "2 cents" are very valuable...I tried your suggestion and agree it produced a very pleasing image! Thanks for taking the time to offer your input and giving me ideas for improving--I appreciate it tremendously!
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Do not get bogged down with cropping, it is too subjective. Photograph all and everything to gain experience. In our day we did not have this luxury because of the expense. With digital it costs nothing. You will,eventually,get there and usually you find it is taking shots of what interests you. It then becomes a case of refinement....JW

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