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Morning smoke


Nikon D50 Tamron 18-200 handheld

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Would love to get feedback on my photos. Composition, cropping, exposure or anything you

think would inprove the image. I'm no expert, I have taken a lot photos for a long time but I

never do anything with them. I am constantly humbled by other peoples photos on this site,

so maybe some of that talent will rub off if I share my photos. Don't worry about hurting my

feelings I welcome positive and negative feedback alike. Thanks

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I know what you mean about feeling humbled by all the awesome stuff that gets posted on photo.net. I don't think I've ever posted a photo of mine on the critique forum. But advice is free, so please take this for what it's worth!


Composition: This is a stunning scene, and you have to ask yourself, "Does the photo do it justice?" I think the composition could be better. The horizon is in the middle. The rules say to avoid midline horizons, and I know that rules in art are sometimes meant to be broken, but here I think the rule makes sense. The mountains and mist are beautiful, and the foreground pond and grass are visually interesting, but they're so balanced that they compete with each other for visual attention. You have to decide: what's the subject here--the mountains or the water? If you see the mountains as the center of visual interest, then crop out the foreground grass, but leave a but of water and the island (?) on the bottom of the frame.


Color: The foreground is warm and the mountains are visually cool. I find that a little jarring, so I would play with the color temperature a bit.


Contrast: There's not enough of it in the mountains and mist. Perhaps cropping way down and turning this photo into a more abstract work that has just a slice of mountains and mist would work better? I don't know, because then you'd lose the foreground elements, which give a sense of scale and balance to the composition.


Okay, those are my 2 cents. Cheers!

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Let me start by saying, Great photo! I think if you cropped out the grass closest in the foreground (lower section)would help the image quite a bit. when the image is viewed larger the island grass (in the center of the photo) is a little out of focus so a smaller aperture should have been chosen for greater DOF as you focused on the grass at the bottom of the photo. If you eliminate the grass on the bottom of the image the island will become the subject with the mountains and fog as a beautiful back drop. You have a very good eye for landscape photos as this is a great attempt!
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