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Backbone Beach


The Band of Cloud. It seems to be a phenomena that follows the landscape photographer around the coastline in England, enter the grey cloud that sits at sea level turning the likelyhood of a cracking sunset into whitish fuzzy yellow. Time to reach for the channel mixer.

This is South Devon again, with its streaky slate rocks and jagged outcrops.

EOS 5D, 17-40 f4L a blend of a few exposures. Cropped to 645 format and then split toned for that darkroom look which I find very appealing in coastal shots. I added blue to the mids and shadows and a slight red to the highlights.

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Just want to say a big f##k you to the people that like to vote all my images with 4/3 and 3/3s in a continual non stop jealous bombardment of my work with mindless ratings. Get out there and stop taking crap shots and it might stop you having to ruin peoples success on this site to give yourself one ounce of self worth. I hope with every shutter click you are writhing in your own self loathing.
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Great work my friend. The digital darkroom atit's best! I'm unhappy with the rating system in here as Originality can't apply to 99% of the images; landscape doesn't have to be original, it MUST have to be Aesthetically interesting. I do landscape most of the time and I shall never ask a rating on landscapes for this reason.

Going to check the rest of your work and bookmark you.

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David, this is a wonderful composition and an excellent choice for B&W


The 'backbones' leading the eye to the large rock work so well. The detail throughout is outstanding.


I understand completely your frustration regarding the 3/3 brigade. There's a number of other excellent photographers who's ratings have also suffered as result of their jealous ratings. I think that maybe those in charge should maybe look at doing away with annonomous ratings in future. If people think an image is that bad they should have the balls to stand up and say why.



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Hi David, I don't put shots up on Photo Net anymore, but that doesn't stop me havng a look and occasionally commenting on shots that really move me and this most definitely does. It is incredibly powerful and dynamic and aesthetically hits top marks on every level, I love it and I rarely find monochrome shots that blow me away. Good luck and I hope you continue to post, I became to disenchanted with it all.
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So, you got a 4/3. You also got lots of people who love your work, and in fact you can't stop other people from being bitter, so don't join them. The reason to post stuff here is to find out how people react, and/or to get direct critiques, and we all get that, right? It's not a "controlled" study, but then we didn't pay thousands of dollars for it either. You can at least get an idea of which images bring the greatest response from your portfolio, and what those responses are, and that's good, right?


Personally I am now looking harder to criticize this piece, but I really love it, sorry! Unfortunately all I can tell you is that it's put together well and has really rich tones, and among the top rated shots right now it's one of the few landscapes that "made me look" amongst lots of great work. That's the ultimate test, means at least for me, it stands out.


thanks for sharing, please don't stop :)

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If you go to my portfolio and look at the fashion section, people apparently really like "Shadow Games", but they don't like "Personal Elegance". It's not a huge sample size, but big enough for me to get feedback. Why is that? I'm not sure, but it makes me poke at this more, and maybe I'll take these images to another forum to see. Personally I have somewhat the reverse feelings about those 2 images, but this is a place where we can find out. And also, please other people to the extent they like our stuff.


Anyway, again you do fantastic work and I'd love to see you keep going.


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Great seascape David. The apt name of the location, your looming projection of those spines towards the rugged pinnacle, and excellent B&W conversion, all combine to make for a lovely dark mood. Looks like you turned your misfortune with the lack of colour that night into an advantage.
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Man...do I ever hear you about the ratings crap. And it is crap. Although photography is art and art is subjective...and your work is obviously top notch all the way...those folks who rate low, for whatever reason, will always be there. It still bugs me a little, but I stopped stressing over it a while ago. They are not worth the worry, my friend. Hang in there, and dont let it discourage your posting.


That said...I think this is an amazing image in every respect. If I had a small nit, I would ask to see a little less shadow in the top of the far cliffs.


Here on the western US coast, we have the same plague of low lying marine layer, usually blocking our glorious light as well...so I feel your pain there too.


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Best mono shot I have seen for a long time.Ignore the ratings they dont mean much anyway.Having said that I will give this one of my rare 7/7 rates.Regards Pete.
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first let my say : WOW ! then let me say WOW ! and then . . .

Magnificent shot , everything is just perfect the light the contrast the composition the . . . the . . . the . . !! thats real great ! i dont know who rate this photo less than 7/7 and im wondering why !

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