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iso100, 1/100, f22

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As Phineas stated, the photograph is depicting a stunning moment. A little shaky, but it's amazing that you have it caught on film. Really beautiful picture.
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This gives me the same impression as Jean Guichard's famous "wave" photographs, despite the very different composition. In both cases, we have a small human-related element (the lighthouse keeper in Guichard's photo, the lighthouse here) surrounded by nature and seemingly about to be overwhelmed. The fact that this manages to favorably invoke such a well-known image testifies, I think, to its strength.


In addition to the obvious capture of a dramatic moment, the photo makes effective use of a range of tones, with classic high-to-low contrast to suggest depth and to draw the viewer into the scene. The wave acts as a nice backstop, a barrier which holds the eye at the lighthouse.


I don't believe that this has been extensively processed (to the point of being unreal), or that it is anything other than what it appears to be.

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I appreciate David recalling Jean Guichard's lighthouse photos, especially the one that includes the lighthouse keeper in the doorway, with the wave wrapping around. It is really the inclusion of a live human in that photo, and not just a man-made structure, that makes it so jaw-dropping. Max's photo, to me, is impressive, but more in the "power of nature" theme, rather than "man at the mercy of nature." I am slowly coming to the conclusion that these are very different themes, and to pursue the latter really involves a change in what I'm looking for. More of a human interest or human experience point of view, rather than "awesome landscape." Both are valuable, but they would seem to be different.
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Great shot, Max. Shooting at 1/100 sec was the perfect choice to capture just enough sense of motion. I wonder where you were on the 70-200 mm zoom range for this one, and how far away you were.


In addition, I see that this was shot with an IS lens. Was this perchance shot handheld, or were you able to find a place for a tripod to get this one?


Again, congratulations on a great shot, and on having it selected.



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This photo has everything. The moment captured is awesome. To get to the "finale" there is a build up of motion in 4 layers; first the waves in the front, then the black rocks, then waves spectacular enough in itself and as a "finale" the huge splash around the lighthouse. All this very well toned in white, grey and black; making an interesting composition in itself with the black rocks and the white sunlit waves.

One of the best landscape photo's I've seen lately.

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Max, Great shot. I love every aspect of it from the glistening sea foam foreground, the water running off the rocks in the middle to the explosive spray over the Lighthouse - a very powerful image and it really works in B&W!
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My words echo many that have come before. This shot is spectacular. The energy and power

of this image is just breathtaking. Wonderfully framed and exposed. Top Notch! Thank you

for sharing it with us.

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It is very hard to fathom such a huge wave.

At first looking at it, I thought it was a cloud but the shape didn't make sense.

IMHO, it looks like a little too much unrealistic drama.

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It's not too relevant to critique a B & W for not being in color. B & W brings out aspects of light, light range and structure -- the bones -- that color often misses. Color provides more reality or sometimes tangibility, to the content. But there is a lot of grey area (hey, the pun presented itself to me).


In BW, this image exhibits a form locked in an elegance pose, a bit like a ballet dance caught in the perfect execution of one of those moves that has its own french name. In color, I think you might feel the force and the chaos more.


Different representations. To say "I'd like it better in color" as several have said, is a bit like saying you'd like a particular photograph better if only it had a fish in the foreground.

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This is an excellent photo with four focal levels increasing the drama from foreground to background respectively.Waves that cooldown, some more furious next, the great impact and...what is this grey mountain that follows.Is it actually a hill on the opposite coastline of the bay, or the huge final wave ? Or do i have an unrestrained fantasy ? Ass you see, i loved this photo.Great work
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It is interesting how the lighthouse draws attention and seems to dominate the image even though it only takes up a tiny portion of the picture plane. The relationship between the subject and its powerful environment seems to be the focus here. And this photo captures that very well. The lighthouse is firm and defiant, yet is without question vulnerable.


On a technical note, the composition achieves a wonderful cascading effect. I love the way it flows from top to bottom and from background to foreground. The interplay of light and dark contributes to this effect as well as to the overall dramatic mood. A very captivating image. Very nice!

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Hi Max!


That's a phenomenal image. Where was it taken? I'm also wondering if you know anything about your name, as "billeder" in Danish is "images" or "portraits."

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this photo needs to be HUGE! the little thumbnail that is first shown does not do it justice. If you ever have this printed, please do yourself a favor and go BIG!! What an awesome shot. Timed perfectly (or perhaps you have a few hundred that weren't used) whichever, nicely done.
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This is an absolutely beautiful photograph. Everything about this photo is perfect. One of the tests of a great piece of art is its "staying power." This photo has it. I am sure it will still have the same impact on a viewer many many years from now that it has today. Well done!!!!!!!!!!
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This is the best lighthouse photo I have ever seen!! Spectacular capture! That is if the lighthouse is really there and not a PS job. If it IS a digital manipulation it is still a nice photo, though.
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What a perfect capture of the right moment. Beautiful using of the available light. An excellent photo, real splashing.
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amazing picture, and amazing waves! im still shocked at how large some walls of water can reach, and this is an excellent shot. especially how it makes the white house look like a toy.
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