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Brit Car Series at Brands Hatch UK, this is my favourite shot from the day and would be interested in any coments or advice. It was taken on an EOS300D using a 300mm lens in full auto mode.

stuart adams

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Brit Car Series at Brands Hatch UK, this is my favourite shot from

the day and would be interested in any coments or advice. It was

taken on an EOS300D using a 300mm lens in full auto mode.

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I like the idea (especially the use of the track in the background) but the shot appears to be under exposed. The different texture of the fore- and background could lend this shot better to Black & White.
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Thanks for the coment, I am new to photography and a lot of the technical stuff is a bit confusing at the moment. A little more detail about the photo. The event was a night race and it was getting dark I don't know if this contributed to the darkness, also I was standing behind a wire mesh fence and other photos that I took the camera focused on the meshing, would this have change anything? Like I say I am new to photography and the camera that I am using and am learning as I go, and having lots of fun learning. I have had the photo printed by to different companies and one of them lightened it and I prefered the original.
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This is into Druids of Brands Hatch isn't it. It's abit underexposed and I also suspect that whitebalance is not spot on. It's a legendary spot to shoot at Brands. The altitude changes are shown nicely being compressed with a longer lense. I think I would crop this slightly - the top right corner green off. Foreground is good as it gives depth. Not bad, keep on.
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Thanks for the comments Juha I have looked into the photo properties and heres a list of some of the details, Shutter Speed 1/800 sec, lens aperture F/9, Focal Length 300mm, ISO Speed ISO-100, Exsposure Compensation 0 step.

At the moent being new to it all a lot goes over my head and I'm used to just point and click, if the photo comes out ok its an accodent. I've only had the camera a month and this was the first chance I had at trying it out on something I love doing taking photos of motorsport, that in mind I will upload the photos I like and ask for peoples opinions and guidance in how I could improve the shot and also learn how to set the camera up in manual mode to get the desired picture. At the moment I will keep on pressing the button and seeing what comes out you never know one day I might be able to sell a few.

Merry Christmas All


Stuart Adams



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1/800 secs and f/9 with ISO 100 .... seems quite underexposed if this was towards darkening night or early morning. Don't know which lense you have. Let's say you've got a lense with max aperture f/5.6 at 300 mm - most often I would use ISO 400 and towards night I'd shift to ISO640 and even ISO 800. Difficult light situs I'd always shoot with RAW since it gives so much more latitude for post processing. 1/800 for an oncoming car is ok. Say the car is moving 100 mph = 160 km/h = 45 m/s means that at 1/800 the car advances 45/800 = 5.5 cm ... ok. 10 cm advance is already most often too much. 2..5 cm is ok. So you can go even faster times with oncoming cars. Perpendicular panning (the other photo) is a different thing altogether.

The pro photogs around the circuit are usualy nice chaps. Ask their advice if in doubt. There is a bit of cameraderie between them. Just remember to check your backside every now and then that you are not ruining any photog's scene.

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Out of all of your car series which are very good I like this one the best, as you know from a previous post I am also very new to the techy stuff. I cannot explain why its my favourite perhaps its the composition and how the road is involved. Just thought I would give you my tuppence worth.


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