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Mt Hood Majesty


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I worked my butt off for this shot hiking way up in the mountains in freezing temps, and

camping for 3 days in the snow, waiting for a break in the storm, but I was rewarded.

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Don't work that butt OFF!! You need it to bring more pictures likes this !!!beautiful work!! 7/7 for your efforts!! I am a beginner and love landscapes.. so your story is inspiring.
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An image truly to be proud of. I know the feeling of "working your butt off". If I were you I'd print this as large as I could and hang it where everyone could see. Congrats on a fantastic shot.
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I recognize that scene - that's the view from Tom, Dick & Harry mountain off of highway 26, and that's mirror lake. I was up there this past July and took some shots, but the snow scene is fantastic. That's a long hike even without the snow, so my hat's off to you!
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Great shot, Zack. You nailed THE shot of the winter so far with this one. Perfect placement of all elements. I'd love to see this 30" wide......
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