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The Storm Wall


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This is absolutely gorgeous.


I am truly stunned and amazed. This image is one that I have stared at for long minutes and enjoyed. You are truly a master at work. Keep adding to your wonderful portfolio.




best regards



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Another wow photo, Marc.


Lots of things I could say about it, but I'll just say that the water is spectacular - just the right amount of motion blur, rock counterbalancing the peak, nice shallow diagonals of the waves that parallel the diagonals of light in the clouds (!), the contrary diagonal of the skyline at the far right, the dramatic sky...


Wonderful work on many levels.



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So glad to see you back posting. Photo.net has lost a lot of it's charm lately. Storm Wall is my favorite of your new ones. I like the ocean feel. Spectacular contrast and movement. My only wish is more of those fantastic rocks in the forground. Other than that great job and it was nice to see you in Outdoor photographer magazine. Congrats
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Superb photo Marc. I love the dark clouds and the wave action. I wish I could do that. Very impressive. It all fits together so well. The mountain at center I think is Red Eagle. The Red Eagle Lake area from behind that mountain burned this past summer. It was a huge fire and burned down to the shoreline of St Mary lake and beyond the park boundry. St Mary was evacuated more than once.
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Alone on the shore of St. Mary lake, Glacier National Park, this past

November shooting into the teeth of 40 mph winds, 20 degree

temperatures and 5-foot waves crashing ashore as a massive frontal

system plowed into the Northern rockies that would eventually do

extensive flood damage to the park. Quite an experience to be there

and endure the conditions to make a shot like this, one that I believe

captures the very essense of being there. Water was literally flying

at me in waves, so I stood in front of my heavily weighted camera

set-up until I released the shutter for one second - all I had until

the filter was again soaked with freezing spray. I was only able to

make 3 images on this evening.

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