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Hotel 65


1/30 secf/5.6ISO 800White balance adjustment to RAW fileAlmost - but not quite - total desaturationLighting adjustmentsCropped

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now that's a nice blur. Drew are you also printing? Good catch on the marionette, (explanation @ photo) much appreciated.

take care, josh

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My turn, Drew, to appreciate your work. Great contrast between the acuteness of the hotel sign and the silhouette of the man. An intense feeling of night and darkness.
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Josh and Alain, thanks for your comments, much appreciated. As you know I find both your portfolios inspiring. Alain, you got the sort of effect I was after. Josh, I haven't made/ordered any prints - I suppose due to laziness, cost and because I don't feel like most are 'worthy'. Maybe I should if only to see the effect vs a VDU display, and to find a good printer who isn't gonna lighten all my blacks! P.S. Where'd that photo go? It seems to have disappeared....

Thanks everyone else for your ratings. Cheers.

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Drew, I really like this one. Reminds me of film noir. Story-telling, mystery-creating kind of photography. Could be a scene right out of "Kiss Me Deadly" or some other movie of that kind.
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Matthias, thanks for the illuminating reference. Unconsciously I think I was aiming for that sort of thing, glad to hear it seems to have come across.
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Thanks Linda, I'm glad you like the black. I think it reflected certain thoughts I had with this. Its reassuring to feel like I managed to communicate that somehow. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
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Yes- film noir- that's the first impression I got. I like the bold statement this photo makes. It is telling a story and I'd like to know what it is. It could be a scene in a movie with some very soft music (choose your prefered type) playing. Could be dark, could be lonely, could be a hint at an illicit tryst. I like mininmalist pieces, and I love B&W's of this type to be contrasty. Also, good choice with the square format- it keeps the frame properly balanced for this composition.


Cheers, Tim

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I think that it was better if the man was freezed on his place and if there wasn't the bulletin on door of the hotel and I like the lamp at the left corner of the hotel but if it was lumoiuser the photo could be more beautiful.
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Mainly Black


Drew you've definitely captured my attention with your "Mainly Black" folder and this is a standout of the other compelling images. I particularly like the low (not over-exposed Hotel 65 sign. That slight and sufficient illumination while retaining the darkened corners accentuates the blackness of the night. The ghostly figure, slightly blurred but recognizable to the point of facial direction is excellent. The adjacent pole sign is not ideal to composition but that a small side note. Enjoying your explorations.

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Thanks Kent, just playing with a few ideas in the folder really...all rather experimental. I seem to remember you mentioned somewhere else words to the effect that its easier to analyse other people photos than your own. I'm spectacularly guilty in that regard, so the good feedback which you and others provide is valuable and appreciated. Having lived with this for a while, the sign bothers me more, glad you mentioned it.

Marcelo, belated thanks for your many visits, interest and further comment.

Afshin, your phenomenally prolific and rapid fire portfolio comments (including two on my portfolio) led me to disregard and delete your initial portfolio comment for the reasons stated there. However I do consider and value any comment with some thought, whether or not I agree with it. In this case, you describe almost the exact opposite of what interested me here...but that's not to say I am right and you wrong necessarily.

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There's a classic feel here, that we all recognise as we all have in mind great movies we love. By the way the whole series is terrific. The black has a certain quality, which you managed to get in all the pictures, that makes it as thick and profound as China Ink. Love that.
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Dear Drew,


How nice to wake up this morning and find all your nice comments on my photos! Thank you so much for taking the time to view my work. I am new to photography so your encouragement really means a lot. Naturally I came to check out your work and wow! What a treasure trove of inspiration! This one, Hotel 65, had me from the thumbnail! This is an extraordinary composition!

I am going to poke around your site a little more now...more to come!


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Hi Drew,


This is so well seen! Composition and mood is spot on for me, In fact I like everything about it and I could see this hanging on a wall in a trendy apartment! Best wishes

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Hi Drew,



...I would call this kind of work a photo-haiku,-):

minimum info creates a great affect of short beautiful poem.


your images  are asking for some kind of writing -

abstract or unrelated ...or, yes, just - poems


thank you for your attention for my photographs.

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Hi Drew: I hope you're doing well.

This is yet another example of your creativity and keen photographic sense, producing powerful images with simple subjects. This is a masterful photograph in every sense, espcially the technical one. All of the elements play so dynamically to work together, the sign, the shadow, the lamp and the lines. It has everything. Congratulations and my sincere recognition. 


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I don't know how I ever missed this one because it speaks to my fondness for this kind of feeling of mystery in a photograph. I love the illuminated sign, and not just any sign, a hotel sign. To me, that sign and the blurry shadowy figure make for an interesting story... perhaps a secret romantic rendezvous or a person of ill repute leaving the scene of something horrible that has just taken place... Like I said, I love a mystery and this photo has that. Very well done. Thank you for sharing. :)

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