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Canon 1Ds markII, 50mm.

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Such a lively and exciting image. Not seen many like this on PN and glad I noticed yours Sashka.


She looks like she's really having a lot of fun.


Super technique, execution and idea.


All the best




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I must agree with Daren, this is a superb image. Definatly one of the best I have seen for awhile on PN.

Looks like so much fun. Wonderfully done


Thanks for sharing


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I like it. It's great fun. But I have 4 comments:


1) I feel that circle of "light" on the background behind her would need to be place higher - ot to be larger at least - so it would appear behind her head rather than just behind her legs. Light emphasis is somehow "misplaced", as I see it.


2) It seems to me that this "circle of light" was either created at post-production stage (in PS) or was at least seriously touched up using PS. I have no objection at all using PS for such things - I do it myself sometimes -, but here, I think I can see that the "light" is not consistant, and varies from one area to the next, in a way that can't happen with actual light. So, this would need to be revised.


3) Small matter, but I'd slightly burn the forearms, they are a little too bright here - on my monitor.


4) Careful with that paper on the ground at bottom right. It feels added at post-production. All the papers have probably been added anyway, and that's ok, but the one at bottom right has blurry and dark edges, whereas it isn't flying, so it should rather look like the paper at bottom left.


All this is just my way of helping you - hopefully - to touch up the last few things, and then you'll really have a nice fun picture to present. Regards.



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I really love this picture, especially the superb tecnique!

Can I ask you two things!?


- How did you make such a background!? I'm referring to both the floor and the background...

About the reflection on the floor: did you use a piece of plexiglass!?


- How did you create the circle in the background!?



I'm new to this kind of photography and I would really love any advice!


Best Regards!



Alessandro Vasapolli

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