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Blue Jay



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Amazing moment (we know how this is difficult) Great colours but they seem a little bit unnatural
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Una gran captura , el tronco del arbol ayuda mucho ala composicion , la comida en el pico resta naturalidad a la foto , una gran toma , saludos
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A great shot! Perfect capture of the moment. . the branch adds visual interest. . . very nice complementary background colors.
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Very nice image. Great coloration across the picture, all nicely complementary to the subject. So how long were you sitting there waiting at the peanut feeder?
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Thanks everyone for the great comments!

"So how long were you sitting there waiting at the peanut feeder?"

This is a very smart bird and has accomplished something that I haven't be able to do in 45 years of marriage.

He has taught my wife to feed him when he is hungry. Every morning as she is having her coffee in the atrium this guy shows up and starts his hollering, so she takes a couple of peanuts out and places them on this perch. He comes down and takes one before she can get back into the house.On the day I took this I set up about 8 feet away and shot away it doesn't take long, but you have to shoot fast.


Question: does anyone know why my posting don't show up in the Highest Rated Photos? I have sent 4 emails to Photo net and have never received a response. any help would be appreciated.





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I cannot believe my two average seagull shots are in the Top Rated photos (do you people have no taste?) and this stunning shot of a blue jay (who has even trained a human to feed it) is not in there. Something fishy here. If you ever hear from a human on PN, I'd be interested in knowing. Did you see that out-of-focus shot of the bird hanging from a feed bag in the Top Rated photos?...Top Rated photo, not hardly. We've all tossed better shots than that! Oh well, another section on PN that I must avoid to keep the bp stable.


ps: we have a Scrub Jay that will fly into the house and land in the fake ficus if we leave the french doors to the backyard open. We have to toss peanuts on the back deck to get him to fly back out. Might be a cousin of yours.

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Great shot Bill, they are exceedingly intelligent and annoying as they lurk and wait for me to disappear to steal all the peanuts. I've had up to eight at once and no good shots--lightning quick.


With regard to TRP's, check the date you uploaded the photo, not the posting date, maybe it's there(?)(Personally think there'd be less disatisfaction with the rating system if they had some minimum reqirements for folks to be eligible to rate. (A portfolio and perhaps a minimum overall average?) Just a thought William.

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Fantastic shot!! I'm curious how this guy is gonna eat that thing!! He'll have to break open the shell - did you leave him a nutcracker? I asked PN the same question - my photo didn't show up anywhere in the gallery although it had been rated higher than others (and more often) but I also did not receive back a reply. I am sure they are very busy elves especially this time of year! But it doesn't matter Bill - you are already established as a great "capturer of bird-dom"!
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Fantastic shot,detail is superb.Forget about getting in touch with PN,the whole rating system on this site needs to be overhauled,properly why a lot of the really good photographers are dissappearing from it.They won,t let me rate you a 7/7 because you rated one of mine, totally ridiculous.
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