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Red and White


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A little PS work would make this picture absolutely perfect. I like your idea, and it it has a nostalgic feel to it. Here's what I would improve....1, the crop is at a very slight angle, so the building feels like its leaning to the left. 2, its a little dark, I would brighten it up a bit without losing detail. 3, I like the bench in the frame, but the part of the building to the left of it doesnt really appeal to me very much, I dont think it would hurt to crop it up to or near the bench. 4, I would try to get the full reflection of the pillars on the roof. Last but not least, 5, we live in a cluttered world unfortunately, depending on how much of a purist you are, I would PS the utility wires out of the image. To me it kind of ruins the timeless sense of the building and old phonebooth.
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Thanks for the great comments and help. I'm gradually getting to grips with PS.

Its a fantastic peice of software and takes a lot of exploration.At the moment haven't gone much further than dodging,burning and levels etc, I'm on the case though.

Thanks again. Regards Tony

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Allison Whitt has left a great comment, i wish i'd see more like this on PN. I fully agree with her. I especially would prefer to see the entire buliding in water reflection (it is what bothers me the most, but maybe it was not possible). But i like very much the picture and its mood, as it is, i almost can see the "3 men in a boat" of Jerome K. Jerome passing through the pic !
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Hi Jay,

Thanks for the comment. I am certainly going to try the things you suggest.

I have several other shots of this building and location which I will be posting soon.

Thanks again, Tony

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