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...and then she fell in love...

katja faith

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--What's wrong with you?


--Nothing.. I'm just in love..


--Hmm.. With whom??


--I don't know yet..


--WHAT?? Then how come you say you're in love???


--But I FEEL it... Who else knows what I'm FEELING?..

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Nice triptych, Katya! I stood on that same little table once,

but then I quickly fell off... I like your chosen poses, but

do these somber colors evoke 'love'? If owned this piece, I would

buy a gold frame for it. Well done!

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I'm absolutely amazed of your orientations Katja! and i thing the color carries your message perfectly but i wont say why ;-) though i'd like to explain to my friend Doug, my thoughts...8/8
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i was seeking a way of expressing these thoughts! everything (even making art) is an ersatz(?) against falling in love. This contrast-conflict can give a "sad" sence in our wills. and this is the reason that the dark color can make sense, at least to me! i hope i made my thoughts clear with my poor english...cheers
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Giorgio: thank you!


David: don't be afraid, I don't consider 'strange' to be negative -- it's more like 'different' to me :) .. I wanted it to be a Different presentation of LOVE, you're right :) . Thank you!


Doug: well, you know, I fell too, that's why the first pic is so blurred :)) ... love is not only some happy stuff, I wanted to show that it's also some weird thing, with weird emotional state, weird all. The green is the way I see the world, maybe I have some color-perception problem, I'm not sure.. But love can be somber, and in most cases it is :) . Thank you!! If I ever have time to join deviantart.com, there'll be a print available ;)) ..


Kostas: language needn't be perfect to say what you are feeling (by the way, I think your English is great :) .. I'm always happy when people see an image and say what they think is depicted and why. Because my original idea is often not the same as others' interpretations. That's why sometimes I want to leave the Caption and Message fields blank, so that my own explanation is not provided.. Maybe it's just my will to share that prevents me from doing it :) .. Love is a strange thing.. At first you want to find it, then you fight not to fall in it, then you just become kind of crazy... The craziness is not always negative too, but the perception (the concept) of craziness IS.. The green symbolizes spring, birth of something new. The dark,somber green shows there's something more to it than just nice optimistic mood. Thank you so much for the comment, rather inspiring ;) !





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Strong retro feel to this one, wonderful poses, nice blend of old and new. Would the concept work better without a title?
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Interesting picture, howoever I do not find it somber at all, the colors do not seem to convey much of a difference to the playful air, but I imagine that was most of your intention, may be a less celebratory shade but not a mood of seriousness or severity. I still find it has the lightness of a youthful emotion, one of those that passes without any lasting bruises and barely a wind of name. Good picture.
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Combinated with the story - wonderful set. Great work. It's nice to see that someone wants to work and play with symbols and message.
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Jef: thank you!!


Les: not sure, actually :) . On the one hand, without title people can think of anything to erase the gap. On the other -- something of my own message would be lost. And somehow I'm too eager to share -- especially when there are the ones who want to.... how to say that... roughly speaking, consume what I produce :) .. Thank you!


Eric, Biliana: thanks for watching dear friends :) !


Esther: weeell..... you might be absolutely right here :) ! Actually, originally I wanted the picture to have both joy, lightness and absense of that pop-mass-card stereotypic feeling. Now you're welcome with different ideas, I really find them interesting. Thanks!!


Biswajit: thank you!!


Dexter: uff.. the legs are dancing in tact with the girl :) . thank you!


Pawel: thank you! Messages and symbols have something that pure story-telling doesn't :) ....

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Katja...I am just so blown away by your work...over and over and over again. It seems to come from such a truthful and vulnerable place.
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