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Hmmm...This must be what it is like to wake up in a pool of your own vomit (not that I would know anything about that). It does conjure up images of things unspeakably vile. I'm sure it only seems that way because of my turd monitor at work. I will have to revisit this from home to appreciate it in all its glory. I just wanted to let you know that your efforts did not go unobserved. I wonder when I had my last tetnus shot...
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Well, I wouldn't have thought that anyone would think of it as pretty, but I didn't expect your reaction. I made another kind of association which I'll share at some point, but from a more literal standpoint, I can't tell what the spots are, even though I looked at them pretty closely before recording them for posterity.
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You realize of course that I am only clowning around and trying to be clever in my own way. Not to be taken at all seriously. Well, not too seriously. ;-)
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Hmmm...much different looking on a decent monitor. The blob in the middle looks gray instead of brown. Is this part of a boat as in "Sunk." If so I would think those spots are barnacles that got scraped off. I can't figure out if the background is concrete or fiberglass. I get little spider nests or cacoons that look similar to those things after you try to brush them off of whatever they are stuck to. The ones around here look sort of like cotton ball fluff.


If I use my imagination (and I feel I must) I can sort of see a breaching whale coming out of the water at sunset. I hope you took a wide shot as well because I think that is the only way we will ever know the answer to the riddle.


Perhaps your title is in reference to an upended cruise ship going down to the bottom of the ocean and those little dots are the people jumping overboard. How cheerful an image is that? ;-)


As you get older you should be more carefull about displaying abstracts like this. They may try to put you in a home. Thanks for sharing it.

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This is a closeup shot of an old canal boat taken next to the C&O canal at Great Falls. I guess those spots were barnacles, but I can't see any scrape marks - not that I have any idea how they're removed. Anyway, I thought they looked like rounds fired on a navy ship - maybe a submarine (see the periscope?)


I've been asked from time to time to do slide shows for various groups. I think if I showed this image with the explanation I've just described, I'd get a lot of blank stares. It not a part of the set of exotic vacation snaps they would have hoped for.

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