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La Sal Mountain Utah

laura rossi

Nikon Coolscan V

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Hello Laura. The colours are certainly gorgeous. The little peek of the blue sky in the upper RH corner is out of place, I'd crop it out. I have kind of mixed feelings about the crowns of the trees at the bottom of the image. they have nice shiny colours...but... This image is, IMHO, more of an abstract image, because there are really no features that would give the viewer a sense of the landscape. It works well for this image (that's one of the reasons I don't like the blue corner there). However, the partial tree crown at the bottom all of a sudden give my eyes some feature that starts describing the landscape in more detail, yet not enough to do that job well. So it's like being suspended in a la-la land. As well, because you used a telephoto lens, there is no sense of a gap between the crowns and the hill behind - it looks flat. On the other hand, the tree crowns look like rolling waves out of which emerges the rest. So that's why my opinion is split...good thing/bad thing? I would prefer to have the tree crowns gone and replaced with more of the dark green/bright yellow patches. Actually, the blue corner is my biggest complaint, as I keep on looking at the photo. I would give it 4.5 out of 7 points. Cheers, Micheal
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