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© Catalin Soare

Eyes For Fashion



© Catalin Soare

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For the 3/3 and 3/4 raters: you have the right to remain silent.
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Hello Catalin, i thought I had rated this shot earlier. Did you re-post?


I think this shot has a wonderful intensity. It looks like a story unfolding and I would like to know more.



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Her eyes are most suggestive of a story, I look, I ponder and she captivates, Beautiful use of DOF to create intrigue and depth, the warmth of the light works well. A pleasure to share my friend, Gerhardt
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THANK YOU ALL and Yes it is reloaded because some 3/3 and 4/4 raters are hunting me after I have touched their "proud and manhood". I have all the time in the world to fight that poor little, very small, minimall and so present....The story: I represented there ( Bucharest Fashion Week/ FTV) a small news paper (300.000 copies daily called LIBERTATEA) , along with their own photographers; they were shooting " on stage" and I HAD SOME FUN BEHIND THE STAGE.






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Gerhardt, coming from a maSter of nudes... I am honored. Don't you rate it? 7/7 will do Ha, ha ... Thanks my friend




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Great Eyes! Great use of Depth of Field! I love the warm colors, the image is Alive!


I do not think the problem is the 3/3 & 3/4 ratings. There are some images on this site that warrant lower than that (including some of mine :)). I would like people's honest opinions about images not restricted to "good" opinions.I think there are some users who just flip through images and give ratings without taking the time to really look at the images.

A solution may be that if a rating of 3 or less is given users should need to add a reason why.


That's my opinion.

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Hi Catalin! The look you captured, the colours and lighting, framing... it all perfectly merges into the very special atmosphere! what a story!
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Last time this was submitted I said it was a wonderful shot. Again I say that and wish I could take photos as well as you. Great capture. Love the warm tones!


I also agree with Mr. Brill's comment. If someone is to rate a photo 3/3 or lower the site should make them add a comment before it will submit it. Just an idea......


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Excellent scene, Catalin. Her expression is unique. Beautiful composition, warm colors, and light. Very good DOF. Lovely girl! Best regards!
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Penetrating and intense gaze. Could the man be deleted if he is not a important part of the photo? Anyway, beautifully photographed this beautiful girl. On the other hand, do not bother for low ratings, you are a very good photographer with no needs for ratings, as you demonstrate everyday. But probably the system needs to be deeply revised. Regards.
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Hi Catalin. I find the ratings very strange on here. I have had alot of 3's thrown at me tonight without one taking the time to explain why my image didn't work for them. Its sad and makes this site seem very cold.
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This is classic, Catalin. Outstanding in all aspects. Greatly done. Best regards. (sorry no 7s due to PN, but truly you got 10/10 from me)
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Very nicely exposed with warm tones. The composition is interesting, with the unknown someone 'admiring ' her beauty from the background. Great idea. (Nowadays I am immune with the annoymous low ratings without comments. Just take them like a pinch of salt. I will even be surprised if I don't see 3s :o . I looked more towards valuable, sincere & friendly comments/feedback instead. I just want to enjoy & improve on the art of photography, I didn't want to be hindered or bothered by the annoymous low ratings. Anyway I always believe photography is a subjective art, & each is entitled to their own likes & dislikes. Don't get too bothered by them. )
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Catalin, a fost o vreme ,(eu sunt pe PN din 2003, cred)

cand ratingul nu era anonom . Erau la fel de multi 3 , 2 si 1 dar erau

certuri nesfarsite si reclamatii la curatorii site-ului.

Asta este o masura a curatorilor ca sa nu se imbolnaveasca de nervi...ca erau injuraturi si chestii nasoale intre membrii :)

Cred ca asta-i treaba.



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We are all allowed to rate a limited number of works with 7 and we should all be allowed to rate a limited number of works with 3 during a period of time.




P.S. I have tried to contact the curators but they never answer.


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Answer to your question.

Personal, impersonal, comments or ratings, 3/3, 7/7, its not going to change the world.

Whether a person likes a shot or not, the image speaks for itself. Plus fashions, and fades are always changing. Thats my view. Let us just enjoy our image making.

Right to the subject at hand. Very powerful shot, first class. 7/7. Kind regards John

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