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This member has rated 906 photos on this site, with average ratings of 2.02 for Aesthetics and 1.61 for Originality. The ratings went to 648 distinct photographers.
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Blake the colors are very eye catching. I don't mind your composition at all and this you've done a good job using the lower right to lead us in. The only thing that bothers me is the upper right corner of the sky, it looks weird to me. It may be my monitor. Nice image. - Sean
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This is an HDRI 3 image composite and the clouds were moving quickly. Also, I shot this just before going into a meeting, and was a little rushed. The camera could have been a bit more stable on the tripod, and the image would have been "tighter."


Thanks for your intelligent critique. Wish there were more like this....

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I really like the image. The balance of blue and yellow is nice and the lights lead the eye to the higher cranes. If you look at this long enough the clouds seem to move. There is a balance between the lights on the right and left between the edge of the image. Nice work.
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I confess to being a bit lost when I look at a manipulated composite like yours. It is obviously very skillfully done. But I have no idea what you are trying to convey here. It would help me better understand and appreciate if you could share what you had in mind.
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The slow, vapid echoes of an imagination unforeseen, the lost redundancy of an eclectic paranoia, the glance that never was, the slick, white overcast of an ancient emotion, all of this and more can be yours, but for want of a nickel....
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Very Beautiful photo; Impressing Colors! 7/7

Could you give more information about your workflow? (Exposures and software you have used)


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Beautiful capture. Red and blue have always been my favorite colors and they work together so well here. The detail is great, what more can I say. Keep it up... Brett
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Set up on a tripod about 4:30 PM. Some daylight from left of frame, low.


Shot with Canon 5D through 24-105 L IS, ISO 400 f 22 RAW capture.


Bracketed 3 exposures on AV (-2, 0, +2) with cable release and shutter lock up. Unfortunately I still had a bit of camer jitter, but, as noted, was in a hurry. Next time I'd take a heavier tripod and take a bit more time. This was really just meant as a test shot. I had been to the location previosuly, but did not shoot. Got lucky with the time of day, the light and clouds.


The 3 shots were then composited and tone mapped using Photomatix Pro.


Saturation boosted about 20% in blue, yellow, and green, then sharpened with the smart shapen tool using the lens blur control about 2 pixles / 100% in CS2. Minor levels adjustment to address black point.


Hope this gives you some ideas. Thank you for your comments.

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Hey Blake! Langley Camera club right! If I'm wrong correct me k? It's Nate! Great shot! Your photo certainly caught my eye! Sorry I haven't been around in awhile, nice to see that you discovered photo.net. I haven't made any submissions in awhile...to much business to do. Check out www.reflectionsinlight.com if you wanna. Write me a note if you get this note/critique..haha some critique...awesome job, keep it up. Say hi to everyone if you still attend.
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I am at LCC, you are right. Thanks for the comments. Love your wedding shots. LCC has really grown and moved to the Fort for meetings. Too big for the old DC3.


See you when you get there.

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