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Shortly after a rain

maria hrabinska
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The colours are really nice as well as the composition. Why does it look so grainy though ? Is this a scan ? What ISO did you use ?


Have you tried to print a large version of it ? This would make a very nice poster.

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Yves, many thanks for viewing and commenting.This photo is not scanned and I did not try to print it larger. I think it is grainy because the light was not ideal (dark in a late cloudy afternoon shortly after one rain and before a second one). And it might be caused also by the fact that I did not use a stative. As regards the ISO, I use an automatic one - I suppose it could be 200. best regards,maria
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Maria, if this a digital picture, chances are that it contains EXIF information. Unfortunately photo.net stripped them, but you can check on the original. If you use Firefox, have a look at http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/fxif, but other browsers and graphic tools will allow you to look at your EXIF information. It's a great way to learn as you can review what settings the camera was set at for a particular picture, it would tell you for example the ISO setting as well as the shutter speed, etc...
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Dear Yves, Many thanks for this explanation and recommendation. I appreciate it really very much. I will now visit the recommended website and I hope, I will be able to learn something more during this weekend. I know and use Firefox and Photoshop at the moment, but my knowledge about individual functions of these tools is rather limited, I still need to learn so much... Again, many thanks and best regards, maria.
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