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© Kiet Vuong 1999

The Fall Collection


Fuji 300C1/2 sec @ f16.Number of missed shots: 3


© Kiet Vuong 1999

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I totally agree that Kiet deserves photo of the week. His portfolio is amazing but I am having a hard time understanding how this is the best of the photos in the portfolio. I guess this is why I am just an novice. I do like the colors and the balance of bright and dark.
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Amazing portfolio.. I like this photo a lot but I'm sure a jpg doesn't do it justice.. I'd love to have a 24x30 to hang on my wall.
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I agree the picture is not even close to his best, however if he has not won before it's about time. I think the elves that pick photo of week have been getting a little too drunk. It's been a while since i've seen a good photo of the week.
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No doubt. Outstanding work. Wonderful photographic vision and a remarkable understanding of light.


Bravo Kiet!

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The other photographs in this portfolio are stunning; this is a so-so photo, and it really fails to capture the essence of the incredible nature of Kiet's work.
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Nice stuff! I see in your portfolio that you were at Zion. Am curious as to WHEN you were there. I was at Zion around Oct. 24 or 25 of 2000 and the cottonwoods on the Virgin River had not changed much yet -- although they were very much in yellow color two days later on the Escalante River. Just wondering for future planning. A great portfolio!!
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First off, I can't believe one of my pictures was selected for POW. I can't wait to get thrashed by you guys. Sam...?

I received several questions regarding the meaning of "Missed Shots". I consider any flawed shot of the same subject a missed shot. Here are some examples of what can go wrong:

* Wrong lighting.

* Wrong composition.

* Miscalculations-meter readings, aperture, shutter, film speed.

* Clumsiness-bumping the tripod, tapping the camera, sneezing.

* Stupidity-loading the wrong film, double exposures, shooting with empty holders, and many many more.

As for this image, some asked me if it was staged. It depends on what *you* consider staged. The leaves were all natural, i.e. I did not place them there. However there was a lot of junk around them (other dead leaves, rotted pine needles, bumble gum wrappers), which I felt did not belong in the photograph. I spent about 20 minutes cleaning the area but intentionally left a few pine needles. I took 4 shots, 2 with Provia F and 2 with Velvia, 1 at the meter reading, 1 at +1/2. I chose a 300mm lens because I wanted a shorter DOF, leaving a few blades of grass and objects under water out of focus.Thats all the technical aspects I can think of. I look forward to reading your comments.

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Since Kiet is bravely requesting some critique, here goes...


Firstly not one of your best. The care you obviously take comes through in your other photos.






This picture is missing something...



The yellow leaves seem burned out and the darkness under the grass distracts from the image. This may be a scan problem but I can only comment on what I see. A polarizing filter would have reduced a lot of the sheen that hides the beautiful texture of the rocks. The thing is were you carrying one with you at the time? If not next time leave the kitchen sink and take a polarizing filter! (Easy advice to give I know but all the same....)



As a design using highlight of colour in contrast to surrounding darkness, it too doesn't work. The reason why most photographers would have missed this one is because it was not worth taking. You have salvaged a passable photo from a lousy opportunity. If for some reason a client wanted a photo of some soggy leaves on some dirty rocks then this would have been an excellent photo for them, but as a photo for photo design sake hmmmmm.



The colour is too messy, the contrast too busy and so it all becomes rather weak. Maybe larger leaves or better still how big was the bubble gum? Could you have got closer? Eliminating the rocks from the left side improves the image a little.



At the end of the day why o why did the elves pick this one,? You have many stunning images, really stunning. Perhaps they really did use a dart aimed at the computer screen. This technique is only good for picking stocks not for the serious business of POW.


Lots of love



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"we could have printed Kiet's entire folder, put them on a wall, blindfolded ourselves and thrown a dart"


Looking at the quality of the other photos in this guy's folder, methinks that's exactly what happened.


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My favorite Pict of Week of the past several weeks. I think it works fine as is, though I would also be curious to see the same image with larger leaves. I'm not sure such an image would be clearly better - just different.


Are you an Elliot Porter fan?

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I have to agree with those who have stated that this is the redheaded stepchild of the portfolio. Overall it's a nice portfolio, and Kiet is a technically an excellent photographer. The subject matter is rather tired though and alot of it suffers from "last guy's tripod holes" syndrome (or "looks exactly like every other blurry water waterfall shot" syndrome). Kiet surely has talent and in my (very) humble opinion it can be better utilized.
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I don't think this piece is worse then any other of Kiet's. Better then some, actually. This is how I see the picture was taken: The leaves are the main focus, but not the subject. The rock in the upper left is balanced by darker space in the lower right. The grass in the upper right is balanced by the leaves and rocks in the lower left. It all combines to make the whole image the subject. I get tired of stereotypical photographs. This is not one of them.
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Yep no red ball a fine point :) it sure looks fine to me but I have had enough of these... I want to see some humans on photos..whats the matter? nobody is shootin humans any more? all we could see is nature or red balls... next week I am hopin to find a subject in pow...
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come on men photography isn't all about posters on the wall and postcards with great colours, where is the story telling photos(with humans),only on Magnum ?!
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this picture makes me feel sleepy. good lighting and composition but nothing that really excites me. yawn......zzzz.......
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I reviewed Kiet Vuong's folders a couple of weeks ago, and think it has some very good pictures.

This one was not close to be my favorite.

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as with everyone else, i must agree that Kiet's portfolio is phenomenal, but this particular photo doesn't do the man justice. It's not a good representation of the great work in the entire portfolio. great job!
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Yeah Phillip the dart defiantly missed the bulls eyes on this one, Kiets entire portfolio is one to be admired but this photo gives no justice to the photographers ability. If the angel in which you choose this photo, was to show simplicity then you've acheived it.
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That is definetly the best Pic from an excellent portfolio. Sorry to have to disagree with the majority, but the PoW is by far more sophisticated than any of the others (not that those are bad). All the rest only use two major textures to create contrast and the depth perception is usually acheived by continuous perspective useing surfaces which drift off into the distance. The POW has stones, water, and foliage (three) all working together creating great contrast of shapes, colors, and textures. The surface of the water is like a sheet of glass dividing the image into a foreground (comeing out of the water at you) and a background (underwater and disapearing into the depths). I would like to say ... WOW, I love it. My vote coincides with Mr. Greenspuns', This is the best choice of pic from a great folder.



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