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Sometimes...dreams do come true...


part of a stage, concert in the amsterdam arena, one click, handhold, a crop, no masks or layers in PS, just some saturations..

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Around 40 years I grew up with music from Dean Martin / the Rat-Pack, because my parents loved the music...

Around 30 years ago I saw a live concert from Elvis in Las Vegas and I loved it...

Around 15 years ago I saw on television Barbra Streisands privat concert "One Voice" recorded in her backyard. I didn't know her, didn't know her music but I was totally impressed...it touched my soul so deeply...!

So for the last 15 years I told everybody:

If I could make a wish I would have loved it to go to a life concert from Dean Martin,Elvis or Barbra Streisand! Dean Martin, well...we all know how that ended up...died a couple of years ago! Elvis...well...died almost 30 years ago!

Barbra Streisand...well...she's still alive -64 at age...but hardly gives concerts and if she does, there are no tickets availeble for a dutch girl and even if, they were to expensiv and way to far away!

So wishes are a great thing to have even if they don't of never come true...!

November 2006...

My husband surprised me with a vacation to Las Vegas...hotel on the Strip...with tickets for a LIFE CONCERT OF BARBRA STREISAND and Celin Dion!!!

I've been to a lot of concerts the last 25 years in Holland - Tina Turner/Bruce Springsteen/The Stones/UB40/Billy Joel/Madonna/Jackson/Tom Jones/Whitney Houston etc.etc.etc. not that I love all their music but just to be part of the crawd, to laugh and to party! But Barbra!...what can I say more...!! I'm sooo very happy!! So dreams do come true sometimes!!!!!

On november 16 I will travel on my own to see, feel, smell and discover Las Vegas/Sin City for 9 days and 7 nights!

I can't wait to see Barbra's concert, to make thousands of photographs in Vegas, to observe the other visiters/people, to see the gambling people and their behaviour...to see the look in their eyes!!

I love a laugh, I love people, I love nature...damn...I love life!! Let the dream begin... :0)


Ps. for my PN friends; if you have a good tip/advice for my trip to Las Vegas like: don't forget to see this or that...please feel free and do, they're welcome and mostly appreciated...

And although I'm not active on PN for the last couple of months...just wanted to share this dream of mine... :0)


With love, Janet


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Unique effect with subtle lighting & nice warm tonal, perfect cropping, absolutely magnificent, my friend!!!! Best regards.
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Oh yes..everyone must have dreams, they are what gives life that unexpected surprise & that extra fast beat in the heart. So dream & never give up on them as they would really come trye one day... I believe...Enjoy yourself in Las Vegas, Janet, like I did there many years ago. I kust love the lights.
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Hey Janet, nice hearing from you. Have a really fun time in Vegas and at the Concert. This image, as is typical for you, is full of warmth and creativity. Nicely done. Regards, Kelvin.
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I'm sooooooooo happy to see some color after such a long time of seeing just a black frame with a white dot :) Welcome back my friend
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Lucky you! I love Barbra...would love to see her in concert! Have a wonderful time. If you get a chance to go to the older part of Vegas by the Golden Nugget Hotel/Casino, definitely go. They closed one of the streets permanently and put a canopy over it that has a wonderful laser light show on it at night that is set to music. Also lots of interesting vendors there and of course it's a great place to "people watch" :) Have fun!



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Hi Richard, thank you so much! Your comments and rating means a lot because I know that you a heck of a photographer who doesn't need -and almost never use PS. So when I add a picture whitout using PS< I'm glad that you judge and appreciate at is.


Dank je, Witte, 1 droom van mij die in ieder geval uit gaat komen, ik kijk er verschrikkelijk naar uit!


Hi Cherlyn, it's really good to see your here! Thank you and indeed...stay convinced that dreams can be true...and they will!

Plans are changed and I would go first to Vegas on my own, but my husband surprised me again and arrangeced that my best girlfriend is coming with me...so my goodness WE WILL HAVE FUN!!! Sin City, here we come...



Hi Pulok...thank you, happy that you dropped in...


Hi Shuki, happy that you payed me a visit and that you took the time the read the story. For sure we will have fun and I will make soooo many pictures which I will show to you on PN.



Hi Kelvin...you know I love your work and appreciate it when you pay me a visit. I can't wait to visit Vegas...my girlfriend will joy me...I hope Vegas is strong enough for the two of us...but, well "Vegas have no Fear...two dutch girls are here... :0)... :0)



Dear Alon, thank you, my friend. I'm working as hard as I can to make it possible to be dayly actif again on PN on januari 2007... till that time, you know that I will follow your work in silence, and enjoying them very much!


Hi Leslie, thank you for the tip, for sure I will follow/do it! And about Barbra...I can't wait to go to her concert! Even if I had to travel a week to see it, I would have done it! I just wanne sit down and enjoy every second of it. It's really a dream that comes true...


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Bienvenida de nuevo,,, te esperamos desde hace tiempo, acabo de ver tu foto ahora mismo, me alegro de "verte", de nuevo, y sigue subiendo imagenes como de costumbre. saludos cordiales Janet,
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