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© (c) 2006 August T Horvath




© (c) 2006 August T Horvath

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This B-25 bomber has greeted many sunrises since 1944. Each new day

is a chance to feel air under its wings again.

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Really nice study of the B25,the colours and the palm trees make this pic.pity about the other aircraft in the background.Cheers Duncan
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I just got this huge smile on my face from this photo...thanks August! I'm curious...when did you take this photo? That building in the bg by the trees is where my dad used to work when it was Sander's Aviation with all the Sea Furys. It burned down though later when another company owned it. As for the B-25, I think you've caught a really nice image with the dew and such (I'm guessing thats what it is) running down the top of the windows. Adds to the feeling of a cool morning and the new day...all that stuff... I do agree about the other aircraft though - too bad. But still, it got a smile outta me really easy. BTW, do you know what B-25 this was or who owned/owns it?
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Thanks guys.


Daniel, this photo was taken Feb. 9, 1991, and my notes say that the B-25 is 44-30210 "Big Bad Bonnie" which David Tallichet owns but I am not sure that is right.


The modern aircraft in the back don't bother me too much on this one. I'm glad I have something there to relieve the black void, and sure, I'd rather they be vintage aircraft but it's okay; this is not meant to be a period photo, just to convey a little of the magic of walking around Chino airport at dawn as I often used to do. If it made Daniel smile, I consider it a success.

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Okay, so this has very little to do with this picture now, but I have to share this one more story... That building on the left has palm trees on the other side of it (further left out of the frame) as well as those in the frame... My dad was flying a friend's (Mike Walsh) white Stearman for a crappy low budget movie scene. He was supposed to come in low between the sets of trees and over this building...well, he did just that, but he was lower than he maybe should have been and he failed to notice a random light pole behind that building you see here. He grazed the top of the pole with the bottom of the wing...being fabric, it was enough to put a hole in it. Landed just fine, actually still not aware anything was really wrong, till he saw Mike's face. It all ended up okay though and you can't even see the hole in the shot for the movie either. So, I guess what my story is supposed to say is I feel as you do about this photo...it brings back those memories of those days gone by spent out at Chino. It really is an awesome field where you could see just about anything if you spent enough time there - from jets, to WWII, to Hartley's Fokker tri, a fleet of kits, even crazy cops racing around practicing for high speed chases (as if they don't get enough training doing it for real in SoCal). Yeah... good times... :o)
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