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The castle of Checiny

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Very interesting monument. A little history? The angle of view is great, making the image eye-caching. Unfortunately the light is a bit flat, but for some viewers this may be a plus, adding to the auster mood of the scene.
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It looks like a cigarette being extinguished in an ashtray... that's what caught my eye.


Maybe a little flat but I wouldn't have seen this if you hadn't posted it. For that... I thank you.

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Basic historical facts (for Manolis and others interested):


There was a stronghold in that place since XIIIth century. The castle has been improved by the order of king Casimir the Great around 1350. (There were some more addditions later too.) It was meant to guard roads from Krak?w (Cracow), that was the former capital of Poland to northern parts of the country. It was destroyed during the Swedish wars in 1657 and abandoned then.



A note about the lihgt on that pic: well, it's only a scan made from a print, not from the negative, thus the colors aren't perfect...

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Thank you very much Pawel & Grazyna. Such an original medieval architechture! Don't bother about colours (which I find great) or light. It is probably true that architectural and ruin photography needs not be 'prety' but informative.
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dzięki za ocenę. dopiero zaczynam na photo.net, więc nie znam do końca zwyczaj�w panujących na tym serwisie. To zdjęcie najbardziej przypadło mi do gustu. piękny widok.

zapraszam do odwiedzenia Poznania :)

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Well seen...You must have been up quite high to get this angle. Very nice.

Thanks for visting my portfolio...that's what brought me to yours. I love seeing all the scenery of other countries.

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Why did you not say YES to the question on wings. It would have been cute.


I like the view, but the light of the sky and the distant countryside bothers me. I would cut the upper part off and make the scene concentrate on its strength, which is the medieval castle and the near by woods. The small house at the foot of the castle gives dimension to the stonewalls of the place.

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mam wiele zdjec tego zamku poniewaz tu kolo checin mieszka moja mama... przedstawie jedno na moim portfolio...pozdrawiam...peter kreDosy

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