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Lightning at the power plant


Shot with an old digital camera that gets very noisy in time exposures, so exposure was 1 second(!!) at f/4, ISO 200. The storm caught me off guard without my tripod, so this was taken handheld with the camera braced against the rail of a parking garage. Sometimes you get lucky...

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Kudos for capturing a great moment. I wonder if the color is a property of the old digital camera, was there some photoshop-type interpretation, or did the lightning really create such an effect?


I'm also curious as to whether this is simply a luck image of did you actually intend a certain meaning with your chosen composition?

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Thanks for the kind words Douglas...to answer your questions: 1. The lighting was just in front of a band of intense showers, so it acted as a giant flash bulb for me and lit up the rain for that nice purple background. The only. photoshopping was to take out a bit of digital noise that had snuck in because of the length of the exposure. 2. I had composed this shot in my viewfinder because I liked the framing and because there had been a lot of strikes in that part of the sky. As it happened, this particular bolt was the kind of multiple strike where you see several flashes right on top of each other at the same point. I instictively pressed the shutter on the first flash, but I'm pretty sure I missed that one and caught a second strike immediately following it.
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I love this. The lighting by the powerplant is a great catch. Amazing colors too. The light in the bottom left is somewhat distracting though.
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The night sky and the burn-in on the CCD from the stroke translate wonderfully into the image. I love the house in the background providing a sense of scale.
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Nice, nice shot! The sad thing is that I recognized the plant stacks instantly(along w/ the other building)...of course, i lived across from that powerplant for 2 years:) Killer colors.
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This is a great catch, especially with a digital camera. You can't just leave the shutter open as long as you want to with many digital cameras. I spent nearly 3 hours one night to catch a few strikes but I missed many more than I caught because I had to wait for the camera to move the image from its buffer to the memory card. You probably don't have that problem with the 620.


Have you tried a long (10 minute) exposure with that camera yet? Might have interesting results.


Nice work!

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Very nice capture. I've got lucky a few times myself with digital exposures. This one here was taken with a 1/125th of a second exposure, and was pure luck.
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