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Park Point in the Morning Mist


ISO 200,1/250sec.@ f14

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I love this soft misty landscape. The layers of blue are great, the lone 'island' looks desolate but charming in the vast space.
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Well that's nice - Bowling league is over now and you can return to shooting again ... (-;


Very damn nice Kim - I'd probably clone or crop the 'organics' in the water as they draw my eye away from the 'subject' - but a really sweet shot none-the-less ... !

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Cherlyn, You had the same though as I had, that this piece of land looks like an island. The fog created this nice illusion.


Ken, thanks for the feedback. Somehow the foreground looks different in my picture file. I tried a couple of times but I couldn't get the vegetation under the water to appear as it really does. It actually has some interesting sticks and stones shining in the light. I did think of fading to black but didn't. I will quit the bowling and get down to photo business.


Good of both of you to visit.

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A really long gap; nice to see you back.


Agree with cherlyn ., the range of tress looks like an island; very nice.


Like the Ken's version too.


(please comment on my latest submission as I really appreciate your opinion)



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Thanks Ken,I did find some smudges that I left behind in my version and will clean them up. Your version is great.


Pulok nice to see you and thanks for the nice welcome back. It's good to be back. I will certainly go pay you a visit in the very near future.

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Kim, I followed Ken here and fully expected a B/W suggestion once I saw this terrific picture, but since no one did, I will. :-)

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Thanks Michael! I really appreciate the time you took out of your very busy Holloween schedule, setting up for photos and all, to do this b/w conversion. I don't think to do this kind of thing as a rule so it is a reminder to do some experimentation.
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I was picturing b&w when I looked at this, but after seeing Michael's version, I do prefer color. I don't mind the vegetation in the water - it somehow provides a bit of balance, imo.
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Thanks Kim. Viewing the vegetation in the foreground was what I was going for in the first place and making it more prominent was difficult and posting it on PN darkened the image as well fro some strange reason. I guess it works with or without the sticks and stones then.
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What a beautiful place! The dark foreground reminds me of something emerging from the deep and seeing this bit of land as it reaches the surface :P Love the colors and especially the fog. Nice.



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Hi Leslie and Jason! What beautiful place it is and it's just down at our little beach at the cottage. It did indeed have a magical feel to it as I sat waiting for the fog to lift that morning. Thank you both for sharing your feelings with me.
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The gradience is very cool looking and the mist looks like it is propelling out from the section of trees. I like it:-)
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I love this! I like both versions, and think this would be spectacular large on a wall.
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Merni, interesting what you said that you "would like to be there". Well isn't that a great feeling and wonderful comment, I thank you for it!


Kim, yes you are right, it would be a great large on a wall because it would be like "we were there". It's one of my favorite places to be.

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I wouldnt change a thing, and vote for color. The warm morning light against the blue is just too beautiful to be left out. What makes the shot for me is the crisp detail in the trees against the surrounding soft tones. Excellent landscape !
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Carsten, your comment really made my day! I'll have to agree with you ;-))I love your photography and the lessons that come with it. I read much of what goes on at your place and have learned a lot there. Thanks for the encouragement!
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Hi Sondra! Thanks so much for the visit and for the two thumbs up. I really appreciate your opinion and enjoy your wonderful IR landscapes.
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