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© www.adam-burton.co.uk

Minnewanka moments


Canon 5D, Canon 17-40L, Lee .9 ND Grad, Polariser


© www.adam-burton.co.uk

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This was one of only two rainy days on our honeymoon in Canada. It

didnt actually rain much on this day, but frustratingly whenever I got

out of the car to take a photo somewhere. When we arrived here, the

light on the far mountain was lovely. So I jumped out of the car,

grabbed my gear and walked quickly down to the lakeside, looking for

some interesting foreground. When I found this reddish coloured stone

after a few moments, I quickly set the camera up on the tripod and was

just about to fire the shutter, when I noticed the light on the

mountain had completely gone. So I decided to wait. And it decided to

rain. So I took my gear back to the car and packed it away while I sat

in the car. After 5 minutes the rain stopped, so I grabbed my gear and

ran back to position. And it started to rain again. So I decided to

sit it out and covered my camera gear and tripod with a cover sheet. I

wandered about 20 foot down the lakeside to check out another

position. It then stopped raining, so I ran back to the camera....and

it started to rain again. I was just about to give up when I looked up

and saw the rainbow appear! All of a sudden the few remaining spots of

rain became the least of my concerns as I concentrated on capturing

the rainbow in the scene, along with light on the mountain in an image

that became far better that what I had originally visualised some 30

minutes before.


So, it just goes to show that the light can change in a moment, often

for the worse, but with a little perserverance it can sometimes,

occassionally change for the better!


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passionate landscape photographers from around the world.


Thanks for viewing,



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the picture is great, but with a pcture like this you dont need too many words to describe it, the good picture must speak alone , anyway good picture but too many words, thank you
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For f***s sake what is it with some people on this website???


Okay I dont comment now on peoples shots, and if you dont like that, then maybe you should stick to commenting only on peoples shots who first comment on your pictures. The experience I have gained from many of these sites is that when you comment on others you start to get reciprocal clicks on your shots. Then you dont know whether your shot is good or not anymore, because you have 7/7's from your 'friends'. At least with my way I know that the good clicks I get are from people who actually like my shot. But to give 3/4 for this shot is pathetic. Thanks whoever person that was hiding behind their anonymity!! You are one sad person.


But as far as the guy who has said that I have written too many words, what on earth are you going on about????????? Surely it is helpful to have descriptions, and often Ive been marked down for not describing my shots. It is purely ridiculous saying 'too many words' when I have offered a lengthy description. Im sorry, but I simply dont understand.


Adam Burton

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on photography. I think that this is a great photograph regradless the past comments of Adam or the number of words he puts here...
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Equal parts patience and skill have paid off in spades here. Most would have given up after the rain started. And most would not have waited for the rainbow either. Nicely done.
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Adam, you are a famous photographer. And you don't have to prove it. This photo is just perfect. I'm speechless
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This is sublime, one of your best. Once again those immature f-heads have left numerous 3s. As I have an interest in landscapes, I find it useful to read the background info regarding a shot. My only niggle is that I would have preferred a bit more polarization in the area at the intersection between the bottom & middle 1/3 to show the submerged rocks more clearly. Just a personal preference rather than a criticism. 7/7
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Why isn't this the top photo on the site right now. Easy 7/7. Amazing capture. I only wish for one moment like this in my career.
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You have captured all colors here. Full of life and Beauty Nature image. Wow... ! You leave me without more wordsss... Thanks for sharing. Regards.
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