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© (c) 2001 Ricardo J. Méndez Castro


Available light, tripod. Exposure time was about 15 seconds.

Observe the reflection near the top left corner. Here's a detail


© (c) 2001 Ricardo J. Méndez Castro
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I saw your post the other day, and am really intrigued by the reflection. I guess if push came to shove I would have to say that I don't believe in the paranormal, but every now and then I hear a story or see something that will plant some seeds of doubt in my mind...this is a very odd artifact in your image...I am definitely intrigued. Thanks for sharing it. (At the risk of sounding too harsh, the image itself without the reflection doesn't do anything for me.)
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Wow. just the reflection is spooky enough given the setting, but look at that dress she is wearing... that looks really really dated.

Also, i've circled a possible reflection of the reflecion. quite strange.http://www.olemiss.edu/~wskitche/spooky.jpg

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Extraña cuestión esta del reflejo, Ricardo. No soy un experto, pero de seguro ese reflejo no es sobre la lente, porque si fuese así, no tendría una forma tan clara, hubiera sido apenas una mancha de luz.


No puedo saber qué otra cosa pueda ser. No creo en fantasmas, pero si tú quieres hacerlo, adelante!! :-))


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Thanks for the comments! I'm going back this sunday to locate the concentric square pattern that appears behind the shadow, to try and figure out where the image came from.


You've got a keen eye, Scott, I hadn't noticed that other shadow. I'll see if I can get a darker version of the image printed, perhaps this second reflection will have more definition there.

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why don't you go back to the hallway and check to see if there's a reflection there? have someone stand in the doorway and take another photo. if it is a reflection, that would settle it right there....
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I really think that this is some sort of lens thing. The image thing has a translucent quality to it. It does not appear to take on the texture of the wall.



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I did go back and took some more photographs, two of which are attached (scanned directly from the negative wiht a very poor adapter). The result: no reflection.


Granted, the conditions weren't the same. For starters, the light wasn't as bright (which I tried to compensate for with longer exposure times). Second - I don't know how much this affects - I didn't use T-Max 400 but Delta 400. And finally, it seems I wasn't able to get quite the same angle (I'll try again moving a bit to the right).


I checked the place for windows, paintings or something else that could be causing the reflection (or projection). The wall on the left-hand side have some small windows, which give into an adjacent room, also below the building. There were no paintings or other objects.


Given the change in light, I'm still sticking to the inverse-reflection camera-obscura explanation.


Good luck,


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Ricardo - I think the link you provided in the cropped version really does explain some of this, but not all of it. It looks like a reflection from inside the lens possibly off the filter or something. These images are typically inverted and oposite of the original. I've attached an occurence I've had of this. The troubling part is the girl. I disagree with the comment made that she is facing out. I'm pretty sure she is facing in. Was this taken on a Sunday? Could explain the "church" dress. If she were there for maybe 7-10 seconds it may have stopped enough of the light from reflecting to let her show up in the reflection, but enough light would still enter to totally wash out her existence in the non-reflected area. If you look in the non-reflected doorway you can see a hint of darkening in the center which could have been caused by the girl. It also looks like her right hand is up to her mouth. Maybe she has a lolipop which distracted her and kept her still enough to observe you, then disappear. That's my conpiracy theory and I'm sticking to it! It's still a creepy image!! - Tom

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After reading up on the effects of UV lenses, and similar (with the common event of producing ghosts)... I found this photo (or the cropped version rather).

I have come to a conclusion that I believe this "effect" was created due to a multiple exposure.. OR.. the other primary explanation - the lens... - this would explain how the image has been flipped.

Also... As someone said before her right hand is raised possibly to her mouth? lollypop was suggested?

I noticed that infact, her arm is pressing against the doorway - this is confirmed ... as you notice her body weight is resting against the wall... (her legs and middle body are bent to the side... [the doorway is supporting her bodyweight])


Anyway... thank you for this :)

the topic of ghosts is quite an interesting one as there are so many different ways one could be articifially created in a photograph.

The cropped image had me thinking for a while.

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As someone said above, her feed are clearly facing away from us. To me perhaps some sort of reflection (i dont know) was happening and some little girl was just walking out of the room, but maybe that room was slightly full of other people, so she merely stood and looked on from the door way.


Was there any groups of people also wandering around this area when you were taking this photo?


Its definately a little girl, she is leaning against the door frames, facing away from us. Her long hair we see from the back of her head. Puffy little dress. She may be wearing stockings, thats a guess. But her arms seem to me half supporting her wait up. Are her feet exactly next to each other or is her left leg moving to take a step. Perhaps this is a reflection of some sort of a little girl supporting herself with the door frame as she stepped down/up into the other room


Little girls still wear puffy pink dresses, but its just not as common in this day. Thing is its interesting, because if this WAS a sunday, it would explain her dress. But what sort of baffles me is to her left (not the wooden board white lines) is these rectangle squarish patterns (2 big ones).


I dont know.. this is a thoughouly interesting photo (and i checked out the original too). I'v read all the comments and thought about it really closely but for somereason I find it more interesting withought an answer.


However, you mentioned that you shall go back and inpect the place out again, thats cool, please let me know what new information you get!!! I wonder still if there were small touristy groups wanding around this asylum when u were taking this pic..


Once again, VERY interesting!

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