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Pratts-de-Mollo, fortified bridge


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Interesting shot, Henri. The reflections of the lines in the water are great to look at. I might not have placed the line of reflection so close to halfway through the composition, though.
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My compliments on a well composed and original shot, Henry. I considered a crop of the lower fifth, but then discarded the idea. It works fine as it is . Certainly your usual standard...
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Thank you all for your kind comments. Walter, this framing seems imperative to me when I took the photo, and do you know ? Some days after, I saw a photo of the same bridge, with the same framing, in a book by a french photographer named Jean Dieuzaide. Only difference, it was in black & white. But I have also make a black & white version from this one.
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Of course Lou Ann, here is my black and white version. Now, sorry, I can't show you the photo by Jean Dieuzaide if this is with this one you want to compare.

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That's okay - I'm much more interested in YOUR photo. :-)


The B&W gives an entirely different effect. It makes it look like almost a complete circle, blending the actual window with the reflection. That's cool. You could upload that as an abstract in its own right!

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Henri, I think the B&W version brings out the shapes very well. Both are nice, but I prefer the B&W.
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Nice observation Henri, I like both versions, even I think that the colored one is softer and more delicate where the B/W is bolder. It looks like a drowing ( graphical) and has a very nice form with the shadows. I may try to darken a bit selectively the uper brighter area. But in general, the colored one appeals to me .
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Perhaps, the reason for preferring the B&W lies on the fact that the colour one is slightly overexposed. Good compo and a well seen theme. Good one, Henry
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Thank you Alberto. This is not the reason why I prefer the black & white version and I don't find that the colour one is overexposed. The white reflection of the sky is because the sky was overcast and uniformly white. A type of sky you perhaps never see in Spain, and you are lucky. Best regards, Henri.
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Excellent photograph, Henri. The composition, reflections and colors are great. Very good light, contrast and textures. I also prefer the color version because I can see more shapes in the reflections with very nice tones. Best regards!
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Thank you Jeff, David and Alex for your kind comments. Jeff, there is a long time you have'nt post a new photo. When shall we have the pleasure to admire one of your last works ?
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A very nice abstract photo! I prefer the colour version too. Interesting geometries and a peculiar, almost savage look from this medieval architecture...
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Henri, moving house has been keeping me very busy on everything but photography. I hope to be back out there very soon. Thanks for asking.
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No doubts for me, Henri; the colour version is sooo beautiful! The B&W version is not able to hold a candle to it. I love the soft tones and smoothness of the reflection and the contrast because of that with the upper part of the picture that contains a more grainy structure. Excellent work, Henri. Greetings, Ada:)
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