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The Dancer vs the Smoker (Best view larger)


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Very well composed & exposed, Alec. I like the placement of the smoker at the corner. Make this image most interesting. ( too bad we missed this opportunity)
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Very nice exposure and composition, beautiful colors, Alec. I like the action. I am intrigued by the beauty of this young lady and her seductiveness, yet no one pays any attention to her. What is that guy smoking? Very foreign to me. This spices up your portfolio a bit :)


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Thanks guys, Brake, she has been dancing for quite some time and all eyes were on her. Here she just swayed quickly towards the table before anyone takes notice, after that the seductress does her magic again with her belly! ^_^ That's why I used that title. LOL!


The man is smoking a Turkish nargile water pipe. (See the pipe tube connected to the pipe water bottle behind the dancer). Sometimes called a hookah or hubble-bubble by English speakers, and sheesha in the Arab world, the nargile was very popular during the Ottoman Empire from the 17th to the 19th centuries, but saw a fall-off in demand in the Turkish Republic as tobacco-lovers switched to cigarettes. After World War II, it was mostly men and tourists who smoked nargiles.

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Nice composition. The man at the right corner is a welcome addition to the photo. The background adds more interest and not just concentrated on the young lady.
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Alec, a departure from your norm, but as usual, a great shot. I like the action you've managed to capture here. The 'disinterested' smoker, the laughter of the belly dancer, the men in the background nonchalantly looking away, and the juxtaposition of all these elements. I'm curious to know how exactly you set up your strobes. Were they on tripods? Did you have to get permission to do this?

All in all, a great documentary/photojournalistic-type shot...

Mark :]

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A significant form of self-expression in all her movement; slow or fast, soft and sensual, controlled and commanding, passionate and powerful, assertive and addictive.This is what I see in her. I think the smoker spoil the image. Of course that is only my opinion. Great capture, Alec. :0))


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Thanks for commenting guys. Mark, they are my client and I'm doing some images for their website, posters and brochures. Sanobar is situated in a high-end eaterie location.


For this shoot I had 2 strobes mounted on light-stands triggered with Bowens remote transmitter/receiver. All I have to do is concentrate on shooting as the lights are strong enough to light up the dinner area.

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quite a dynamic shot alec, there are many elements to this picture that make it both aesthetic and interesting... you may well have had a full lighting set-up but this looks to me very natural and a moment well captured. The only thing that bothers me (not about the picture) is the chap appears to be enjoying the smoke more than the rather splendidly attired (scantily clad) figure of a very attractive belly dancer! So the title of this picture is very apt!


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