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© Contact the photographer before ANY use

Phra Phantamith



© Contact the photographer before ANY use

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I like this photo of a monk talking to a novice out a window (well

okay, you can only see Phantamith, not the novice). However, what I

didn't notice at the time, is that annoying curtain (the blue thing

up top). I still love the light, but I am considering whether I

should crop this photo until the curtain is gone, and whether that

would actually kill the life in the shot.

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what a breath-taking image. i couldn't keep my eyes off it! in-fact i called my family in the room to look at it! beautiful work! i love it. thanks for sharing.
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The curtain doesn't bother me too much. If it bothers you, I think you can crop it out easily and the proportions of the shot will remain good. Actually better, in my opinion than the same shot with all that black space above and no curtain. Best choice, probably, is to burn and darken a little bit the curtain, in order to not be distracted without having the space empty. Very good shot. I love it.
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Antonio expressed well my opinion: crop wouldn't be the best thing to do -you'd get a too centered composition. Better is to dissimulate the curtain, now is bit distracting, but it doesn't have to disappear...
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Hi again Cedar,


This is a beautifully lit image, I must say.


I like the portrait per se, and don't think that the courtain above is too distracting: the light on your subject is strong enough to draw my eyes, and his pose interesting enough to keep me looking. Perhaps Antonio's suggestion to darken it would be the best way to go if it bothers you.


Good luck!

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Guest Guest


I like the curtain, too; its texture mimics that of his robe, and it gives the picture an added context, an added sense of place.
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