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LOTOJA classic 2006 www.nationalsportsphotos.com


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I'm looking for suggestion to help with a balance between blurring

and details when shooting sporting events. In this photo the riders

are passing the lens 10 fet away at 50 mph. What will help me show

more action?

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Give panning shots a try. It looks to me that your shutter speed was up there enough to freeze action. Stop down a bit or lower your ISO and slow your shutter speed to about a 60th or even a 15th of a sec. Experiment with speed. Smoothly follow the riders as they pass and fire away while "panning". You will get some interesting stuff. Check out my cycling pics. The first is what you can expect taking quartering shots from 45 degrees or so. The next is a slower shutter at 90 degrees and is artsy fartsy somewhat but, it's what I was after. Motion conveyed for shure. Hope this helps. TJ Cabrera
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Don't be afraid to crop. The car could be easily cropped out and would make the photo a lot better.

And practice, practice, practice on panning. It should get a natural way of photography for you.

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