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Vasa (1625 - 1628)


Manipulated image from several separate shots. Details (and link to the main unmanipulated photo) can be found in the discussion below.

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Vasa boat sinked a few meters away from its launch in the archipelago of Stockholm, because of a lack of balance (too high for not enough weight in the quiel and especially not fixed)

I think it did actually never have all it sails out like this.

The boat remained trapped in cold mud and was found and excavated in the late 60's it is one of the best musem's ever.


To return to the picture, it is amazing, and HOW???? (maybe from a combination with one's of the musuem's model?)

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Can we get an explanation of this "photo"?


No wake, no bow wave, calm sea, yet enough wind to fill the sails and cause her to list?


This isn't the world I know, though it is a beautiful "world".

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Thank you again - your comments really make the time it took me to do this photo-manipulation, to make sense. :)


Kevin, I agree it is not our world, but there is nothing more boring than our world :) The ship is from a model of Vasa in its museum (here is the original picture I took http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/5769/vasauneditedbj5.jpg), the sky and the water are from another pictures.


John, your Stockholm pictures, including this of Vasa (I have one from almost the same position :)), are great.

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Nice bit of PS work and the original shots are both good. The light on the model agrees well with the sun. To me the main nitpick with the shot is the lack of wake from the ship. However, very successful!
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This picture was obviously photo-shopped by somebody who knows nothing about sailing... but alot about photography. ;-)

A big sail boat will never heel over like on the picture, in little or no wind.


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No matter why the incredible position of the ship with regard to the calm sea, I love this picture for many, many reasons. You have created an overwhelming composition. Congratulations!!!


BTW, when I imagine that Captain Jack Sparrow is in command, the unrealistic leaning position of the ship is very explainable;-)


Greetings, Ada:)

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"No wake, no bow wave, calm sea, yet enough wind to fill the sails and cause her to list?"

No wake, no waves, calm sea,... and yet she really listed for real in Stockholm's harbour! ;-)

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Is it possible for a photoshopper to note: "Thank you for your comments and critiques..... on my photoshopping", instead of making (some) of us believe this might have been a wonderful 'true photo', e.g. of a restored ship/replica taken out to open sea on an historical day (but with blowing sails on calm water)? Or was the date '1625 - 1628' an indication that the photographer was not around in the 17th century, though the photographer/photoshopper was in the 21st century? Or should there have been some information on the photoshopping in the section: Manipulated? Would like to read views on this issue. Thanks. asdeb
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From reading others comments on this critique, it's easy to tell that the picture precieved is truly amazing but truly not a photograph.

Photoshop is really gonna test this kind of site in the years to come when more and more pictures will be influenced by this creative tool.

For artists who choose to infuence their pictures by such percentage on photoshop, they must state this in the technical details section, that is why it is there.

This picture is breathtaking and i really do recpect the amount of hours and detail gone into it, i will give it A:7, but it's also inacurate with regards to the physics of the ship and the weather and the fact that it's most likely the work of someone who knows how to DESIGN A ELECTRONIC PICTURE on a computer rather than capture a moment of life. So that does'nt make it original in the sense of it being a real photo but it does in the sense that i have never seen many PICTURES/PHOTOS like this before. This will always be open to debate.

O: 4

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