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© copyright Tony Hadley 2006

Whittier_Alaska_Harbor - House


F 6.3 80 MM ISO 400


© copyright Tony Hadley 2006

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Taken on a recent trip to Alaska. This was early in the morning and the light was quite low with some fog. I braced myself, increased the ISO to 400, took the shot and hoped for the best. This image is unmanipulated.


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Thanks to everyone for the ratings and for the comments by Craig and Bryan. I never thought of doing this shot in Black and white and I am going to try that and see what I get. If anyone out there thinks that I should have tweaked (cropping, shadow detail, etc) some element of the shot with PS, I would appreciate hearing.
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My personal opinion...leave it alone; it's a beauty. You could try BW and maybe some of the other things mentioned in your post, but I don't think it will get any better. If I were there on vacation and saw it as a postcard, I would have picked up a few to send to family and friends. However, the other poster's views are just as valid. Well done.
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Thanks Roger for your comments.


Cristian thanks for your comment about size. Is there a recommended size for posting photos on PN or is it dependent on the subject matter?



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Very interesting picture, i think the composition and the light are great. My only nitpicking would be about the shadow framing, but it's not a big deal.
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Thanks Jay for commenting. You are right re shadow framing - the bottom right blends in too much with the shadow portion of the photo.
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It looks so weird - this huge house surrounded with all this little ships. Great effect of mist - that look great in this composition. Good photo.
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Esbjorn and Pawel, thanks for the comments and ratings. I was happy to be there in the port/Town of Whittier. The early morning light and mist gave me some really nice photo opportunities but I think this one was the best. Perhaps I will show another one from Alaska in the near future.

In my backyard and closeby the maple and other trees are changing color and I want to be outdoors doing photos, so adios for now and have a great day.


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Brings back memories of my own trip to Alaska a few years ago .... like a "beckoning" to come down ... the "perfect" picture for a travel brochure. Very realistic and emotional photo ... calm, serene, inviting.
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The frontal lighting on this house is superb and I love the way the mist acts as a DOF limiter, much like a low aperture would, maintaining the focus on the house. The timing is good and the angle chosen for the light works well for the house but also uses the line of the jetty to lead the eye back into it. Altogether a very well worked shot.
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So..Alaska is definately on my list of places to shoot (always has been, you just put in on top) Great shot and I love the way the building is out of the mist. Question: Did you do the cruise? Keep shooting and would love to see some more Alaska shots...Ray
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Thanks for the comments. I did a cruise from Vancouver to Whittier in 7 days and then did 8 days of exploration with a rented car. From a cruise port call, I did take a bus tour from Skagway to the Yukon (Canada) and from a photographer's perspective this was very frustrating - scenes to die for just passed by because the bus was too big to stop at that point. Yes it did stop at designated spots and photos were taken but some real nice ones slipped away. Oh well, who said life was perfect! My biggest photo Ops were when I had the car and could do as I wish. My trip started Sept 4th for a couple of weeks.


Thanks for stopping by.

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It's a little late in the night to read all of the other critiques, so I'll just say what I am thinking, after I mention that I like to post 1024x768 on photo.net, if not 800x600, just because larger is difficult with most screens and smaller is, well, smaller. Either way I absolutely love this picture, and the way the posts on the dock are slightly flattened from the zoom, and with the lighting it looks almost surreal, and close to one of those 3D images. I think it could pass off as a realistic image or as the cover of a fantasy novel, the lighting and the fog just makes for an amazing image that is beautifully captured. Good work, regards.
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