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© Copyright 2006 Tyler C. Wind, MD

The Tongue Helps Your Velocity


This is exactly what came out of the camera!


© Copyright 2006 Tyler C. Wind, MD

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All comments are appreciated. I'm adding variety to my portfolio--

this is my little brother, Nicholas, pitching in a recent game. I

thought the tongue out expression was cute and I also liked how his

uniform shows up so well against the washed out trees. What do you


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Nice to see you our spicing things up:) I love the expression on your brother's face, the tounge out, great moment to capture, I really like the lighting, specifically how it seems to frame him perfectly. Great detail throughout, I agree with you, on the great sharpness and color on the subject, then it fades out to blur.. Great job, Cole
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First of all, a big thanks to Torfinn and Cole for reviewing this shot. While sports shots are common they are not plentiful on this site so I assume it's probably tough to get feedback. I'm glad you guys liked it--it was fun to give my little brother some pictures and I figured I'd try to see what people thought of yet another new branch of photography for me!


Now I'm a bit puzzled though--how did I post this for critique and get ONE (yes, 1) rating...which came from Torfinn? Did no one do the "rate recent" feature when I put this up? I've had shots get 4 ratings but normally within the first 30 seconds of putting them up you have at least 2. I was just wondering if I'm missing something. Also, how do some of you get 30 ratings when the most I've ever gotten is about 15? I'm not bound and determined to get a ton of ratings but wanted to make sure I'm doing everything right--it would be nice to have enough to develop a real average and see what people think. I know many people find the shot on "top photos" if it is really good and rate it directly. Do most of the top shots on here that get 30 ratings get most of them from direct rates? It seems like other shots still have more anonymous ratings and I just don't know why. Like I said, I understand if it's a top photo and gets 30 direct rates but how do I only get 4 on many pictures and 1 (which was direct) on this one--just a bad luck time for posting? Thanks!

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You know thats odd, I rated 6/6 and it didn't come up? When I went to rate it again just to see if maybe Ihad forgot, It told me I had already rated this photograph. I posted a picture on the 28th and only got 2 ratings, Maybe the website has had issues. I still love your bro's expression:) Cole
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Nice shot there Tyler. Really nice expression. From the looks of it you look like you are in the way of the ball. Looks very head on. Great work
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