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© Copyright 2006 Tyler C. Wind, MD

Pelican Perch


This is exactly what came out of the camera!


© Copyright 2006 Tyler C. Wind, MD

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This is not my comment, it is from KOBLY COLE--I had to reupload the picture so I copied it and am reposting it for Cole...I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on her thoughtful critique!


"Another great compostition. I love the look of the storm in the background, also, Im assumin its multiple ships in the marsh, but the way you framed the composition, it looks like a monster of a ship in this liitle if existant lake. And the loon on his old perch, Great Great GREAT image... PS,,, I go by Cole, My real name, is Kristin, Kolby was grandpas nickname for me. and Cole my last name... :) So all smiles, call me whatever you want.. Keep shooting, Im heading out for fall colors...."


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By the way, that really is ONE really big fishing boat in this shot! I look forward to hearing comments and suggestions from everyone!
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Very nice B/W shot. Good contrast, and light. Pretty good sky to. Good work my friend. Best regards from Sweden!
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Had to come back. My autumn reflections was only a snapshot, and I had only my big zoom lens on the camera. I focused just in the waterline. I think that is what does the reflections bright and clear. I have even adjusted the contrast a little in PS. Thanks for your comments. It is highly appreciated. Best regards!
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Big bummer... It wouldn't let me give you 7/7, One big boat, wow, even better, and I love the name change, Thanks for keeping me around Tyler.. I'll post some fall colors this afternoon... Check out the few black and white's, let me know what you think.. Cole This might be my new favorite... :)
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Kolby and anyone else--what do you guys means it will not "let you" give me 7/7?!?! I have had SEVERAL people tell me that on SEVERAL of my photographs over the last month of so. Is there some photography god that decides that my shots aren't even eligible for a 7/7 or something? Please help...I'm confused...and a bit TICKED!!!


Kolby--Thanks for the kind comments as always. I eagerly await some fall color shots! I love autumn leaves! They don't turn here for a few more weeks...I'm already planning to head out when they do as well as a trip back home to Virginia and Shenandoah National Park! Maybe I can get some ideas and learn some things from you before it's time to start shooting them down here in the south!


Torfinn--I hope that one day I can get results like that from "snapshots!!!" Well done...that explains why the reflections are so great! I look forward to seeing more and learning from you!

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Hi Tyler. It is the gods of PN that adjust those. If you have given me or anyone else sevens this other person will not be able to give you one the next couple of weeks. I tried that with this one, but they would not let me do that. Hope you will get some great autumn shots on your trip to Virginia.
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So, basically, if I give you 7's on one shot, it blocks you from giving them to me? I guess I see the point in that rule--it prevents a buddy system of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" but on the other hand that really STINKS! So 2 good photographers can't rate each other?!?! In essence, that means you are killing some of your own ratings by complimenting others, which is not a good policy in my opinion. That means those that rate harshly or don't rate at all have the potential to get better marks on their shots.


Oh well, sorry for the venting. I've just been a bit frustrated with low ratings at times and it really stinks when I get a good shot, finally get a significant number of people to rate it (many of my shots have only 3 or 4 ratings) and they block good marks--seems like I can't win! :(


Thanks for the compliments, for explaining this, and the positive feedback...I guess has long as you guys think it's good and I think it's good who the heck cares!

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Exactly. I do not like them either, but it seems to be something we have to accept. As long as we have 6/6 it is pretty good. Or maybe we could just say it. Best regards!



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I agree with you Tyler, it's a bad deal, but I will re-rate this pelican perch shot as soon as I can. I think 7/7 hands down.. fall shots sucked today, bad leaf dropping :) but there's always tommorrow. I get to do some infant shots this week so Brand spanking new for me.. I'll keep you posted... I hope to see some more from you.. Get out an shoot something :) It always makes me feel better... Cole
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Sorry that you've discovered that PN thing the hard way, Tyler. That fight's been faught over and over again. Unfortunately, the previous fight was called "mate rating", where large groups of PN photographers would go to each other's images and 7/7 every one of them. The person with the most friends would dominate the Top Rated Images. It was always the same people over and over again. But I don't know that there is any way to truly "do" the ratings system fair. Now, the Top Rated Photos are only calculated on the "anonymous" ratings ... so even if all of these friends of yours COULD give you 7/7's like they want to, they'd have to do so by skimming through the "rate recent" queue until they get to this particular image so that they can rate it "anonymously"......
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This photo is a classic! I like your b/w toning, and the sharpness and clarity is near perfect, that brooding sky is awesome, the whole thing looks real to me and that`s the way I like my scenic shots. Well done Tyler.
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Thanks again, Jim! This is definitely one of my pride and joy B&W shots. It's always a struggle to find compositions where everything seems to be in place but I feel like things aligned for me this day--the shrimp boat peeks out from behind the old building, the pelicans are lined up, the sky worked well, there weren't people walking around, etc.--it just always seems like I get images of a shot I want in my head but can't find the angle/perspective/vantage point/day etc. to create the composition I have in my head--this is one of the exceptions in my opinion. The other thing that really worked for me in this shot, as you mentioned, is the tones. I really need to learn a lot more about B&W pictures. I see that my tones are nice in this shot but I can't figure out why they don't turn out as well other times--is it the tones of my scene? The lighting? My exposure? Many times I think I have a great B&W shot and I put it on the computer and find that it just looks like shades of gray from a rainy day without much contrast between the tones. I guess I'll keep learning more and more about what makes it work but I agree things went my way with this shot--I'm pretty proud of this one! Thanks for your kind comments--they are ALWAYS appreciated!
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