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3/3 ? I don't think so :)


What do you think ? Don't be afraid to comment, I won't do you any harm, I promise ;)

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3/3 ? I don't think so :)

Nah. Me neither[g]. Haven't you noticed that the 3/3 guys hit about ten seconds after you post the image? Annoying, but we shouldn't pay attention to the stupid ratings anyway.

I DO want to ask how come a nice 20yr old (or so) produces such disturbing images. There seem to be a lot of comparatively young women (seems to be mostly women) making photos or paintings that are full of dark emotions (and tonalities). I'm not criticizing in the least--this is a wonderful image--but I'm honestly curious as to where the emotions come from. Popular culture? Eastern/Central European angst?

From a craft standpoint this is really excellent. Great pose and expression from the model, perfect use of layering and wonderful hair 'styling'.

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As I mentioned earlier in comments to your work it shows again a strong creativity. The combination of the girl's portrait and the layered structures give a strong expression to the image. It brings photography above the level of pure 'aesthetic' picture taking toward photography as art expression. And I can only agree with a previous comment: people who rate this kind of images 3/3 should be neglected. Because for them good photography is probably limited to 'nice' family and holiday pictures (I have nothting against this kind of images but you should be open in your mind to photographic expression in all kinds)

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No harm is done by a 3/3 guy.

Hekate! This a very strong image expressing dark emotions and feelings; I have thought of expressing my own feelings in this way, not that I can, but only imagined and it gives me a feeling of fear (that they extend)and inner solitude; I too would like to know (from your point of view)where these feelings come from, and what you gain (in an inner spritual way) by expressing them.

Regards. Ali.

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Oh Hekate this is amazing!!!! During the last days I've been coming and coming by checking out if you had any new stuff, haha...... It took way to long!!!


This is stunning! Your beautiful big head, the layers... great atmosphere!!! I can relate in many many ways. This is a 'I have to think this over more then once' image... Thanks!!! And those 3's, don't worry...... I have had many and many and many of them (damn, I make lousy work, haha). Some people want to see only bugs, flowers and landscapes!





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Les, Jef, Ali and Bianca, thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate this !!! :) I'll try to answer your questions... I see digital alterations as a way to express possible, alternative worlds. I find pleasure in touching the realm of this alternative worlds. My emotions don't have a single source, they are always palimpsestic, there is no straight line between my life and my creations in the sense that I don't feel scared or want to be aggressed in my real, everyday life :) :) But of course you knew that ;)

I wanted to do a "portrait" with no extreme alterations (technically speaking - in the other alterations I used to change the face, eyes and the result was totally different from the original), here I wanted to achieve a strong effect only with the facial expression and the textures. No other type of alteration has been made on the face. I took a few shots of myself and some of them turned out... strange (to me), I mean I saw myself in a different way, as if I were somebody else... I like to explore alterities, I am fascinated by this theme, not only in images, but also in what I read. I thought of representing myself in an environment that would convey the feeling of confinement (like a well), but with darkness (not light) above me. This is not necessarily extremely "dark" - the darkness - I sometimes associate it with protection.


What I gain by expressing such feelings - Well, it's like a sort of "exorcism", "aggressing" the image is a cathartic gesture (repression is not very healthy :) )... and I am also a bit narcissistic :) but you could say my narcissism is not pure - I am not in love with myself, but with the way the Other could see me ;)


So I don't know if it's a central/east European thing :), I don't think so.


I think there are more women than men making this kind of images because of the "cultural" association one makes between womanhood and victimization. But there are also men (artists) who produce such imagery, and even with male models.


"Dark" images are indeed very popular, especially among young people... Anyway, popularity should not have axiological powers, if something is very popular should not be judged as "bad" or "good". In order to "judge" an image, one must erase "popularity" from his/her criteria and mind :)


I hope you are satisfied with my reply. Thank you again for your comments (as always) and ratings ;)


PS : Bianca, you made me smile, thank you :)


I wish you all a great day :)



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Hi Hekate, :)

What can I say? a really nice and bloody portrait :), your eyes have some kind of melancholy, that works great with all the image in a whole.


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Vampires do not live far away from you, I guess. Or was it You to drink somebody's essence of life? You are an example.. for us... You drank the heart of imagination. For us only the rests remained... cheers Jana

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Thank you for your kind comment :) Actually, "Dracula"'s castle is not very far from here :):) Now I'm in the mood for a trip, maybe I'll go there again :)
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Dark art, I like it a lot. I think there is a lot of you inside but don't care, we all have dark feelings inside and we need a bit melancholy to be aware who we are.


Thanks for this pic.


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There is a madman who spends every waking hour trolling the new submissions on PN and giving 3/3 to every new picture. That has to be it. How else to explain that EVERY picture I post gets 3/3 within the first minute after posting. I put one up this morning that I spent hours on- 17 PS layers- 35MB PS file (reduced to 500 KB for PN). It got 3/3 within one minute of posting. You can not even look at everything in the picture in that time. Someone is there even now- 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3........ Please go get a life.


This picture is good. The head almost seems detached from the body. The eyes are alive, or maybe not. Your usual woderful art, Hec. I think you should frame it so that 100 years from now your descendants will remember you.. :-0

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You see, Cristina, some people look either for glamour or for nudes. Have you seen the Cheeseburger pic in the recent TOP?? My Goodness, it almost made me throw up. But people rate it high, strange enough? I was shocked whem my Castles in the Sky received such high ratings, whereas my Depression's destiny was all 3's and 4's, just like the Imitting Life thing :) . My advice: don't worry about this thing, just contibue to show who you are, you're great at it!
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I don't like comparing but there is something Marilyn Mansonish about this particular image and i like it! An image that has caused discussion and emotional turmoil....hmmmmm that must make it a piece of art!!!! Well done!
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maybe little too much blood around... but I like the simplicity of the photo: the grandangle enphasizes the dramaticity...

will rate 7/7 as soon as rules here will allow me ;)



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I like her expression of school girl but a mature one :):) and the bloody spots all around making this photograph so unusual daer Hekate! and special too :)



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Many of your works are good, but a bit cliche, as much gothic imagery is. This one jumps out. Strong, confrontational, emotional. I love it. Have you seen the work of Cindy Sherman?
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Arjen, I've seen Cindy Sherman's work, maybe you were referring to that image in which she has a similar pose. However, I can't find any similarity between our works. Thank you for your comment.
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Hekate, Sherman has done a series of horro photos in colour. I feel a similar mood. Maybe you dont, very well possible. Art is a slippery subject, and not only beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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The frank way the girl looks in the camera is in such a great contrast with all the blood spots. I think it's just the constrast which make this work to such an extra ordinary and striking composition Christina; I like it very much and it's so different from what we have seen from you till now. Very original idea and excellent executed. Many greetings, Ada;-)
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