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Metal Girl Mad Kat Morgan of the bands Apacolypse Theatre and Venus' House of Flowers backstage at Triple Rock, Minneapolis, Sept 4, 2006.


Push-process TMY.

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Performing Arts

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Yeah, I have always thought people from Manitoba had a lot to learn! (Joke)


Well, I like it centered. This is shot on push-process film, which reveals the grain. I like that, too. Push-processing is what you do in low light if you do not want to use flash. It is under-exposing and over-developing. The resulting image is high-contrast, like this one.


Be afraid. Be very afraid. Actually, this girl is a sweatheart. One of my favorite subjects.


Thank you for looking and commenting, Dallas!

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Kevin's technique is to add grain in photoshop and then smooth it out just a little bit. It's very artistic and in some ways similar to shrinkwrapping but with a more ethereal effect.


Just my 2 cents.

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well, Kevin, goes to show you I'd follow you to the ends of the earth.
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all those gorgeous party shots.

you definetly have a gig fan here :-)


may I ask you about the technique ?

some 3200asa ? bounced flash ?

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Hey, Robi, I never get back here to good ole Pnet. Now that I'm seeing the quality of the image presentation I think I should more often.


Do not listen to Tim B. He has been harrassing me for years from inside a state mental institution. Unfortunately, restraining orders do not apply to the internet. I have tried contacting his family, but they are apparently traveling circus performers in rural Rumania, preferring to live as nineteenth-century Gypsies did, a kind of Eastern block version of the Amish. They live out of a horse-drawn wagon and eschew modern conveniences, including the telephone.


As to your question, this shot is push-processed Tri-x. The flash shots are hand-held flash on manual set at 1/16th power with the shutter at 1/4 of a second. The subject is frozen by the flash and the shutter drag gives you some of the ambient light. You can direct the light the way you want if you hold the flash in your hand, creating shadows or emphasizing certain things in the scene. I shoot those at 200 and process 70% of normal.


One more thing about Tim B. I knew him before he was committed, back when he shot film like me. Then he got a digital camera and things started to change. At first he claimed the camera was sending him messages that consisted of instructions on how to save the world. Eventually his claims became darker. At one point he said the camera held images of Satan that only he could see. Finally he said it was telling him to drive into the oncoming traffic.


Tim now renounces his family, claiming his mother is a certain Sylvie Lueders. When the progresive liberals were in power in his country they passed a law requiring mental patients be allowed access to the internet. Therein began my woes.


Thank you for the comment, Robi. It is greatly appreciated.

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Guest Guest


slanderous bastard!


i told you many times not to surf the net when pissed.

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@ Tim B. : that`s true love .... ;-)


@ Kevin : thanks for letting me see into your technique. :-)

I`ll try a similar thing with my nikon F801s, mounted flash(incl. meter),



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