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the last texture


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Haunting, thought provoking image. Texture? Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust? That is a dark view of "texture" but I guess it is still texture. Maybe you could look at it as a fact of life; death that is.

I am interested in how you did this shot. Thx.

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Have you seen the movie "Frightners"? Looks like it :)


Well done! I'll try to come back later to comment more extensively.

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Excellent side light to show the texture with perfect fill in the shadows. Bravo PT on a great photo showing texture.

The only nit-pick I have is the white spot to the upper left is a little too hot, but that could be my monitor.


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Very nice!.. and eeerie. Nice use of lighting. I like the idea that the texture has been used in an image, rather than simply an image of texture. Well done PT. Like Onyo, I think the upper left highlight is too hot, but that is a minor nit pick.





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It somehow reminded me of a photo on the 'NO'! theme... It is equally effective as that in its scary/eerie quality... you are scaring the heck out of me PT, and it is not even halloween yet! Of course, it definitely shows texture too, but if I were to see this outside of the texture folder, texture is not what would come to my mind first without the title. I just mean that the emotion conveyed is stronger than the theme fit. BRrrr... A very effectively scary photo!



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This also reminded me of the film "Frighteners". There's an eerie, suffocation feel to this image and when seeing it in full, the textures are definitely there.
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Hmmm, as I look at this for a while, I start to feel like it has an applied texture, as opposed to my first reaction that it was someone's face pushed in to a fabric stretched tight... if indeed it really is a face. The proportions don't seem quite right to me. A good composition even at first glance, this held my interest and scrutiny longer than normal, and I liked it even more the longer I looked. All that to me adds up to a job well done PT. I don't even mind the hot spot others have mentioned. So ante up PT... is the texture applied or is this as shot? Regards, Steven.
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well done on the capturing of the texture of the fabric in an original way. I like the strong facial features shown thru the fabric as well as the placement in frame. I'm left wanting it a bit darker.



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I echo the comments of the others here: great image with a strong mood. Clever use of texture, rather than just showing texture.


It is freaky and shroud-like and it even seems that the face is shouting to be let out (making matters much worse!).


I hope PT will share the techincal details.

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thank you all for your interest in this image, i really appreciate. The image is actually real, this is my face. I don't have a picture of the set but i can describe in detail.


first of all i have to say i used my bed to make this image - literally... it is a castle bed, i sleep over it and down the bed i have a desk, many books, my pc etc etc... said that it has been simple to hang a cotton sheet (actually i really use this sheet to sleep) to the upper part of bed's frame and then to also put it in tension by weigthing the lower part of the sheet (that lays on the ground).


when you have the sheet in tension - much tension - you put a flash on the left of the image and a passive reflector on the other side... the flash must be very angled, almost parallel to the sheet, same applies for the passive reflector that must bounce back the light on the sheet itself. The light must be applied on the side where you put your camera, your head goes on the other side to apply pressure to the sheet.


after that you make some try with focusing and exposure.. i used some duct tape to have an useful focus point, becouse the texture (without the flash) is unvisible so trying to focus on it won't work.


eventually you may want to apply some go-bo on the flash, in direction of the camera, to avoid lens flares.


having the flash off-camera, means you either use pc-cords or you use nikon CLS system to trigger your flash remotely, or any other similar method: canon similar system, pocket wizards, slave triggers, anything that makes your flash off camera works... i read about these tecniques - and more - on the strobist blog... you may want consider to take a look if you already didn't.


finally you need something to trigger your camera remotely (a remote, a cable, a friend) while you are pushing your face into the sheet. I used nikon wireless remote.


to be sure avoiding off focus, use the closest f-stop you have, i used f32, 1/500, my lens was a 24-70 at 70mm...


when you are ready push your face into the sheet, make a painful expression on your face (try it before on the looking glass to be sure) and shoot... and then reshoot and reshoot again and again... use your hands, your fingers, try everything until you get the most frightening image of your lifetime.


hope it is detailed enough, if it is not, pls let me know.

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Very interesting idea PT, it kinda ring a bell but not a clear one. Excellent abstract, worth print it large and hang it.




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