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© © Kaushik Chatterjee, 2006.

The Boy


Touched in PS CS2


© © Kaushik Chatterjee, 2006.

From the category:


· 170,140 images
  • 170,140 images
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Great shot! You have captured his face expression very well! I loke the composition and b&w. Lighting is very good here making some kind of nimb around his head! Congratulations!
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Frankly, I am a bit disappointed. Not in your photo of course, but in that I had to sludge through 151 other photos to get to it. I selected to look through the top photos of the week from all categories, and this one showed up at number 152.


This is a wonderful image, not technically perfect, but technique is only a part of the value of an image. Content should always overrule technique when it comes to a documentary photo. This is a fact of which many here at Photo.net seem blissfully unaware. I would not have been so disappointed had the other 151 images that earned higher average ratings actually been superior or equal to yours.


What images did I find ranking high than yours? One of a zillion flower photos exhibiting no originally nor character, utterly boring; a cute but artistically vacant dog photo; water drops on a leaf, extraordinarily ordinary; a high key snowy rustic, a tree and a fence brought to life through the artistic efforts of a bit too much exposure; two more vacant horizons with pier pilings exposed oh-so-long to create a velvet water texture (how many times must we endure this clich鿩; countless oversaturated poster snaps of pretty sunsets and water, no less than 33 banal boudoir photos (come on guys, Playboy is not hiring more photogs.) And, (drum roll please) the top photo is a knotted truck of a tree with highly saturated green grass in the background. How did this photo warrant the number one spot? It was rotated upside-down! Excuse me?!?


I realize that this site is populated by burgeoning photographers, and in my critiques I have been highly encouraging to these nascent artists, but are we doing anyone any good if we relegate a fine image such as this to the 20th page of the top images of the week while the first page is populated by a strong man lifting two nude ladies and a close up of impressive but artistically worthless pair of boobs in a pink blouse? I think I'm done with this site.


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Along with your potraits such as "Symbolic," "Friendship-2," and "Reality," this one picture makes my heart hurt. Here, you convey the eyes of misery, reaching for understanding, reaching for compassion.


To this boy: Namaste.God is within you. May you find joy, peace, and above all, love.


P.S. Anthony Amorteguy (above), I agree with you.



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This pic is great


I found it really confronting


but i think you really captired the moment


he really has incredible eyes




Peter Glanvill

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Another wonderful piece, not just a photo but a sociological statement. Such maturtiy, such concern on such a young face. It makes me wonder if all I worry about all day is worth the while. A beautiful picture. I only wish I could give it 7/7 but the silly system does not allow me to. Thank you for showing us this snesitive and very touching work.
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I guess I should say some interesting about this extraordinary image, believe me. But the statement of Anthony Amorteguy and John Peri are expressing what I think and what I feel in a more clear, accurate, and extremely rich way. At last, this photograph is simply a masterwork in every senses.
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Kaushik, this is a wonderful capture. I think where you could improve it is with your post processing. To my eyes your vignetting is a little heavy handed and uneven. I do like the grain you have put through it tho. Congratulations on a wonerful shot.


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