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Angel in Shower


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as my scanning is not very fine so the quality here is much less then

the priginal image but the colors and composition is what it's in

original photo....all comments and ratings will be

appretiated.....I'm starting with the serious photography.....please

put your views

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don't wanna say any thing on the comment I got from Ms. Staci Ferrara....probably she can see only what she put in her comment....I didn't find any photo from her so I can find what according to her, what's the standerd of phtography...I'm amature phtographer and comments and rating like these are very much depressing for me....I found my self very much hurt after looking at the rating and the comment she gave.....when I recall the time when I took this photo, then it hurts me more.....

I want to ask one question from Ms. Staci Ferrara, what do he think the photography is.....I think according to him the photographer os not allowed to capture the beauty created by others.....if tomorrow I'll submit a photograph of a very beautiful lady then Ms. Staci Ferrara will say that this is BEAUTY CREATED BY GOD.....isn't it Ms. Staci Ferrara.....I'm reaquesting all other members and people....who feel that a phtograph...no matter it is very good or not....it's always near the heart of the photographer....I want them to have another look on the photo and want to come up with what they feel....

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Well, first of all, it's Mrs. Staci Ferrara. Secondly, if you post be prepared for HONEST commentary. To me this isn't a very good photo. I stand by what I said initially. It is NOT a different or unique take on someone elses art, it's a picture of it. Photography should be thought-provoking. While we may all be touched by the art of someone else, it doesn't mean that a photo of that art will be inspiring. If I took a picture of the Mona Lisa does that make me the Leonardo DiVinci of the photo world? I have seen beautiful women photographed both poorly and well-done. I don't thank God for great photos, I thank the photographer. As for your feelings, I'm sorry if they were hurt. If you, yourself had confidence in your photo, then what I thought about it would make no difference to you. Perhaps you should take a look at how some of the other photographers took shots of statues and handled them in a unique manner. If your friends tell you that you are doing well and you aren't, they are just being kind so as not to hurt your feelings. They have done you a disservice. On the other hand, the person who gives you honest critique and "hurts your feelings" may inspire you to do better...that person has done you a valuable service. Take your pick. While you do that, perhaps you could reference for me a notable photograph in any museum, of someone elses art.
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Very nice job. I like the way the statue is lit by the bright sunlight. I also like the coloring. Thanks for sharing!
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Don't be put off by Ms. Ferrara's judgment. If you will look at her comments on other photos, you will see that her sense of what makes a good picture is widely at variance with the aesthetic judgment of just about everybody else on this forum. She is certainly entitled to her own opinions, no matter how many other people would find them laughable. And though some may think her cowardly for judging others so harshly without showing any of her own work, it may simply be that she has never made a photograph that meets her own high standards.
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Thank you, Derris, for your kind comment on my Galapags Crab. I really like your work....especially The Blue Effect....I read with great amusement your comments as I also was the "lucky" recipient of a 1 1 rating from Staci Ferrara!!
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Staci, I felt your comments were appropriate, intelligent, and gentle. I happen to agree with your comments, although I believe that very, very few pictures here deserve a 1/1 rating.


Robert, I find it hard to see fault in anything about Staci's criticism. If you have something specific to say, Robert, then please say it rather than speaking fathomless generalities. And, by the way, through the ages, very few (if any) of the most respected art critics have been accomplished artists in their own right.

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First of all I really like your vision of this statuary - beautiful. I have recently received an e-mail from one of the photo.net members who had been the recipient of ridiculously low ratings on exceptionally good work. He has been given information from contacting photo.net abuse that there is someone abusing this system who has created 10 or so phony photo.net memberships under all different names, has not posted any photos and is giving many 1/1 ratings. So take those ratings and comments for what they are worth from 2 people neither of whom have made even one upload here. These negative, unhelpful comments are likely made by a fake person. Take them for what they are worth - NOTHING - in my opinion. Let us see some of your own work Staci and Ed - please. Derrsi, I have found your portfolio exceptional and inspiring - thank you.
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To me, this shot is unique and creative. The backlighting is extremely effective in that it has lit the mist beautifully, creating an interesting and uncluttered background. Also, the rim lighting on the statue brings out the texture really well. In general, this shot works to create somewhat of a mystical mood. I quite like it myself. A snap shot version would likely be something that is harshly lit on a sunny day. To me, this is not a snapshot, but rather, a well-seen and well-executed photograph.
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Dear Derris Bloch. Keep going on your work and disregard what Mrs Staci Ferrara said. I think that this fourum is to post photographs open to constructive critics. However, I do not think that Mrs Ferrara offered a critic by saying "Other people art". I believe that a critic should contain advise and an objetive point of view, which are not present in Mrs Ferrara commentaries.


By the way, I think you captured the texture of the front sculpture pretty well and the background is great. However, I think you can improve the picture by crooping part of top and part of the bottom. The situation in which you took this picture is difficult to handle because the bright backgroung, resulting in a lost of contrast in the rock formation. You can get better results by using a gradual neutral filter.

Good luck.

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The "misty spray" is much more "angelic", don't you think?


Also, I think we have 2 good examples here to support the notion that only those with uploaded photos should be allowed to comment. As far as some of the best critics being unsuccessful themselves is a matter of opinion and highly subjective. It must be understood that many here are not that experienced and can be better benefitted by helpful comments and suggestions rather than by blunt statements that can easily be taken as rude and overly critical. There may be a place for that but probably to someone you know well who might understand what you are saying.


While there may not be many photographs in museums of other peoples art lets consider for a moment; this is NOT a museum, other peoples art can make great subjects for learning since they are already posed well and many ateliers require art students to draw from other peoples art for 1-2 years before they are allowed to draw from life. This makes learning easier for a number of reasons.


Nice photo.



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re: other people's art comment

If photography really is THAT sort of thing, then almost any photograph is "other people's". The car photographed was designed artistically. (I choose such a low example deliberately.) The house was built by someone with some sort of artistic sense, and would be then "other people's art". If you reply that only higher art can be so judged, then where do you draw the line? Indeed, isn't any sunset God's art? If you maintain your standard consistently won't you have to eschew all nature photography or maintain a rigidly strict Atheism?

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Please let me make one more comment on "other people's art". I suspect that S. ferrara doesn't know how much skill goes into a given photo. Two people with cheap cameras side by side will get very similar results. But 10 skilled photographers in a close situation willcome up with widely varying results- all of them good. The photo in question was taken at a certain angle with a certain exposure, etc. Whether it is a good photograph of this statue or not is the question, NOT whether photography of art is permissible. I know how very hard it is to make a good photo, so I'm always leaning toward the side of mercy.


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I love this photo. The backlighting is incredible, the composition solid. I don't agree with the comments about "other people's art." That could be said of photos of buildings, or even people or trees if you consider that as "god's art." Very little if anything we photograph we made ourselves, we just look for interesting ways of seeing the existing world, which you've done, and done well.
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