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This is a scene I have been working on over the last month. Previous

postings have been troubled by the pulpit rock being very dark due to

use of the ND grad to bring out the coloured sky. This shot, on my

2nd visit was a longer period after dawn and is better exposed as the

contrast between sky and rock was not so great. I have a couple of

other shots to be uploaded taken shortly after with different sea

textures. I have also tried a new sharpening technique from Marc

Adamus for web posting here.

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Beautiful photo Kah, just the right amount of see fogging and wonderful side light to pick out all the details in the rocks, did you manually add the upper RH and LH vignette effect, or is that the result of filtering?


I'm very impressed with the sharpness, I wonder if you'd care to share the Mark Adamus technique - or provide a link to a suitable place to find it?





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Thanks Julio, Ben, Juan & Biswajit. All of the posted shots at this location were taken on 2 shoots, one at dawn the other at sunset. Of all the ones already posted, I am most happy with this shot. Interesting that the other shots leapt out to me first and I only ended up processing this one 2 days ago. I have another that may be better as the vignette is less obvious and you can really see the waves crash in, will upload later. I think the vignette is a combination of filtration and the full frame sensor with a wide angle lens. I can't recall if a polarizer was used but it would certainly cause more vignetting. Ben the link is http://pacificnw.naturephotographers.net/tips/photoshop.htm
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Another great shot Kah. I particularly like the softness in the clouds contrasted with the shaprness in the rocks.
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Karen I agree the skies in the other 2 are more beautiful in terms of colour. However I sacrificed detail in the pulpit rock as a 3 stop hard ND grad was required to bring those colours out. As this shot was taken later the sun has come out and given a glow to the rocks in the foreground and the pulpit rock. Also as Robert Vine observed the softness of the sky & water contrasts well with the vicious rocks. So I think so far this one comes closest to nailing it. However I reckon there's a better one in the pipeline. I'll put it up in a few days.
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Kah, the image is beautiful and evokes a beautiful response from the viewer - it makes you curious about that massif standing out there, inviting you to come and investigate it. I would term this as "participatory photography".


That being said, I don't think the image gels well with the title you've given it. The image has relatively darker portions and the afterglow in this downscaled version is rather limited, if any, that I can notice.


I personally don't care too much about titles, but it seems others use titles to convey their feelings about their particular shot, and IMO, in this one, they don't seem to be too much in sync.


Just my 2 cents ...


Take care and don't drop too many cameras around ;)

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Kah, you mentioned that you had trouble with the grad ND darkening the massif too much. I have had some success with this problem by taking another shot with the same exposure but without the ND. Then use photoshop to paste the lighter massif on top of the ND shot. It can be tricky to make it look natural but this shot deserves the effort.
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Robert I am aware of other techniques that can be used to improve this but I am a purist in this regard, one shot only. I want to improve my in the field technique as much as possible first. Maybe in the future when I am completely happy with my in-camera abilities I may explore this. Also I intend to enter the odd competition and composites usually are not allowed. I am happy with the exposure on this particular shot. You can see the grooves on the massive which is important. Ashutosh, I didn't spend much time thinking of a title, several seconds in fact. I think I will ponder this little problem over the day, see if I can come up with something better.
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Another master piece. Looking at the lighing on those rocks and that awesome waves you captured. This is a kind of so call warm and cool image. lol The sunset is really inviting. Best regards dear friend. Call me if you are coming to Singapore.
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A sublime image Kah and well worth the time and dedication to reach this point.


I really do like the way that the eye is drawn diagonally from the white water in the bottom left through the gaps in the rocks to the large stack.


Mark's sharpening technique has helped produce a pin sharp and detailed image here although I must confess that after reading his description I was left somewhat puzzled :)? I'll have to give it a go myself, maybe then all will become clear...and sharp. It certainly seems to work for him and now you.



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