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© Marco Ruggiero all rights reserved!

Another reflection at Kendall's!


This image was shot and scanned from the negative as is.


© Marco Ruggiero all rights reserved!

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Que maravilla Guido. Ya sabes lo maniatica que soy con que las fotos tengan pocos elementos, pues en esta que los tiene ayudan a reflejar ese ambiente Viscontiniano. Me gusta mucho el lado izquierdo con su parte del resplado que crea una diagonal a modo de ventana desde donde contemplar a Mel...

La veo muy lograda de tonos, con mucha calidad. Enhorabuena!

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This was another one taken at Kendall's restaurant in L A in July. In

addition to being a good restaurant, it is a photogenic place and I

thought that the mirrors and the decor were worth the image.


Thanks for your comments and critiques.

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Marco, my friend so good to see you posting again and I am glad your eye is recovering. Although it's a mirror, I do feel like I'm looking through a huge opening in the wall unbeknownst to the lady sitting there and feeling rather surreptitious about the whole thing.
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For your kind words and I am also glad that the eye is improving, although I still do not have vision so to speak, but it is getting better. It has been the longest 6 months of my life. Thanks for the comments. Kendall's is truly a very nice restaurant, not just as a great eatery but an incredibly photogenic place. Several of the images on the folder have been taken there.


It is quite a mirror and it does give the impression of an open window onto another moment.


Thanks again, as always.

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Great capture Marco! Tonal range is good, from depth blacks to bright whites, but mainly it is reach in the mid tones separation which avoid a too flat image. The atmosphere is dense, as Pepa suggests, and really put you in the scene. Just to try to make a contribution, I wonder whether she is looking at the right direction: apparently she is looking through the window (what would be nice for the image purposes), but because in the image her look is oriented towards the right it seems like she was talking with someone and for me this detract some strength.
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Extraordinario b&n, me encanta, al igual que la concepcion de la foto, el de un interior que se prolonga a traves del espejo, perfectamente compuesta gracias a la lampara. Enhorabuena.
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Gracias Manuel:For your very astute observations and for your suggestions. Although I did not see Mel's position as incomplete I see your point.

Antonio:Gracias por tu visita y comentario.

Shuki: Thanks for your interest.

Francisca:Gracias por tu interes y tus comentarios.

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Me encanta la composicion y la belleza de la imagen.

Me alegro de que estes de nuevo entre nosotros. Te deseo una pronta recuperacion de tu problema ocular.

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Es curioso, al abrir la foto se me vino a la mente una extraordinaria y bella película de Luchino Visconti: "Cuadro de famiglia in un interno" que me encantó. Veo que Pepa ha tenido la misma impresión "viscontiniana".

Y, viniendo a este maravilloso retrato de Mel, ya te han alabado todos sus aspectos e, incluso, te han criticado la posición de ella. Yo, modestamente, no veo razones para que la dirección de su mirada detraiga a la fuerza de la foto. Pero es claro que las opiniones son tan varias como los reflejos de las nubes en la mar.

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Una maravillosa escena de interior muy bien lograda. Me gusta la figura de Mel asomando en el reflejo, y me encanta la curva que forma el sofa. Los tonos, muy buenos.
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Marco, I'm glad you are posting again. how are your eyes? I was so glad to see you at my work, always appreciate your visits!


This is again a very moody and interesting image. a lot to explore. The tall lamp at the left lighting an empty restaurant tables, and on the other side the low seating figure looking out framed by lines of window reflected in the mirror.it conveys such a strong lonliness. strong image Marco.

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