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Sitelle à poitrine rousse / Red-breasted Nuthatch


Flash used sb-600 w. under comp. -1

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I have a hard time understanding the high ratings on this one--seems like a fairly average bird shot and the light from the flash isn't all that appealing. I recognize there is some difficulty in getting this close to the bird, but that in itself does not make a great photograph.
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I Agree with you Robert. I was suprise myself. It seems that on PN what you have to do is put high details shots (tightly croped) and sacrificed on the composition a litle bit. I actualy put way more time with the other red-breasted in my recent upload folder. Artisticly I find the other one way better, light was controled on perpace. But on the other one, like usual, I had a 3/3 rating very early. This one amazingly didnt get a 3/3 rating within the first hour. Again I think that the anonymous rating just put out good photos (not talking "only" for my self here). It is more arbitrary now than it use to be. Well... to bad for PN, and I guess I'm lucky for once, and the photo is not that bad, ;)

Thanks for your comments everyone.

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Strange. Not one of your better shots Martin yet it rates more highly than many of your really good ones. The light is quite unflattering and my eyes are drawn more to the bottom than the head. Not bad but not that good in the context of your portfolio.
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Martin, I didn't say the photo was "bad." It's just that you have much better avian photos: many of which have received much worse ratings. Cheers.
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