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With a beautifull crepuscular alpen glow, the shapes of the surrounding sea of granite in la Pedriza, one of the most espectacular crags of its kind in Europe, flowed on a interesant confluence of erosion and time. Quite unknown place with great photographic possibilities, there are some areas where not many tripods have standed there ever.

For more information please check my website http://photography.screamtabu.com, thank you!

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With a beautifull crepuscular alpen glow, the shapes of the surrounding sea of granite in la Pedriza, one of the most espectacular crags of its kind in Europe, flowed on a interesant confluence of erosion and time. Quite unknown place with great photographic possibilities, there are some areas where not many tripods have standed there ever.


For more information please check my website http://photography.screamtabu.com, thank you

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This is a really beautiful nature photograph, and a really unique composition. I've got a real preference for medium and large format because of the added depth, detail and tonality the larger films provide, but it's a top shot regardless.
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Ferrando, very moody image. The atmosphere of sorrow and loneliness is overwhelming - I try to capture that when I am in the mountains but I achieve so good results rarely. Nevertheless I have some reservations concerning the sky which is too heavy for my taste. We can see the transition on the left side just above the rock so you have apparently darkened the sky after the selection. IMHO you have exagerrated with this darkening as the sky works against the mood of this photograph. On the other hand the composition is just perfect with some negative space on the left that balances nicely the tension between the points of interest in the center (i.e. the boulders, the spruces and the cloud). Regards, Michal.
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Espectacular imagen, no solo por el cielo precioso sino por ese primer termino de las rocas todo unido a una exquisita composicion. Saludos
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Thank you all for the nice critiques


Nathan, I?ve got to agree with you, medium and large format offers some advantages, but some disadvantages as well, I wouldn?t be really pleased dealing with extra weight moving a few days around this place. Actually, sometimes I must rapel several meters, and afford it "easily" with my backpack and gear, I doubt it with the extra weight/volume those formats require, thanks for your time


Michal, thanks for your critique, the transition you nicely observed over the left rocks in horizon is caused by the slight levels adjustment for the foreground and midground but not the sky, I think the intense alpine glow that succeeded briefly do work with the mood of the image adding chromathic richness to the neutral granite with the yellow lichens (personal bias). Compositionally, I worked the axis off the four corners on frame, playing with the pair of altocumulus, midground group of trees and the foreground erosioned ponds


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I really appreciate that you've explained how you worked with the axis from each corner. It certainly makes it more obvious to me how you've generated that real depth. Normally there's just one line that takes you from foreground to background. Sometimes we're lucky enough to have cloud shapes that add extra lines. But rarely is there more than one line from ground level. Well spotted and well executed.


I also like the heavy mass on the right of the image. It really makes you look at the foreground for longer before moving deeper into the scene.


As for the weight of that gear, all I can say in response to your comments is YEP! When fully loaded, (which it rarely is) my bag weighs in at around 20kg. Seven hours (including stops of photographs) is my absolute limit. No multiple day hikes for me!

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Ferrando, I will stick to my opinion here. You are right but you would achieve the same effect (and for me even better) with lighter and more natural sky. And - of course - the negative space is on the right. But when I saw my mistake I realized that maybe if we put it on the left side it would make this composition even more engaging. What do you think?


As to the large format. Of course it has its advantages when we print in large sizes. But the weight of the equipment is sometimes essential for getting the shot at all. What is more large format is in fact very slow format, adjusting the depth of field can be troublesome and the light changes quickly.

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Nathan, what a coincidence, 20kg is also moreless what it weights my full backpack (with food, cooker, zzz bag, clothes, rope, climbing irons, photogear, etc...), really a tough physical and psycological effort to afront the photoexpedition, but at the end is really worthy 8^)..., hopefully someday, I will be fitted so I can handle more weight without thraumathic consecuences!


Michal, thanks for your response, I also do like even your version with sky a bit brighter, the horizontal flip "simplifies" the visual tension and path for the left to right readers, making the main diagonal more evident, and as Nathan observed well, the line that takes you directly from foreground to background is reinforced, specially with the symetry foreground left rock/backround right hill. I as a L to R reader, enjoy more the visual path with the original orientation, as I stay more over the different grounds with some tension, but does not send you right away with the mentioned main diagonal. It would be interesant to hear about the impressions of a R to L reader though

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Sobre todo un cordial saludo Rafael, la fotografia con o sin retocar preciosa, como anecdota me has hecho recordar cuando intentaba fotografiar con los crios aun pequenyos... carritos con niyo incluido, comida, camara de video, etc, etc... menudos dolores de espalda. Menos mal que todo esto ya quedo atras.

Esperando que hayas disfrutado de unas estupendas vacaciones un abrazo companyero.

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Me gusta la composicion, me gusta la idea de salir en diagonal de esas "pesadas, rugosas y grises" rocas a campo abierto, a la luz y color. Buen detalle de los abetos. Quizas si hubiera reducido algo el peso de las rocas en primer plano, sobre todo por la parte de la derecha de la imagen (segun miras la foto). Buena imagen. Saludos
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